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Equality Fairness for everyone.

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1 Equality Fairness for everyone



RIGHTS for WOMEN SERVE ON A JURY VOTE CERTAIN JOBS MORTGAGE PROTECTION FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OTHER RIGHTS ENJOYED BY MEN Pictures: Women were routinely prevented from participating in many things and did not enjoy the same rights as men

5 VOTE RIGHTS for WOMEN Pictures:
Today we’re focusing on women’s right to vote. It’s amazing to imaging that women were not allowed to vote and shows how much progress on women’s rights has been made - but, as we’ll discover later, there’s still a long way to go………..

6 Pictures: In Britain, women had been campaigning for their right to vote for many years. At around the start of the 20th century protests were getting much bigger and campaigners’ voices heard by a larger audience. Some campaigners resorted to high-profile stunts and other action to get their point across - some even died…. One of the leading campaigners was Emmeline Pankhurst Many men supported women’s rights to vote, but a great many didn’t, however….. Even Queen Victoria did not approve of votes for women Eventually, in 1918, women were given the right to vote, but this applied to women over 30 and it wasn’t until much later that the age women could vote was brought in-line with men (21 years old). This became 18 for men and women in 1968

RIGHTS for WOMEN CERTAIN JOBS OTHER RIGHTS ENJOYED BY MEN Pictures: There are a few positions in some religious groups that are not open to women, but this is an inequality that many are campaigning against Gender inequality still exists and it’s up to all of us to challenge it. Like votes for women, just because it existed before, does not mean it’s right…...

8 Think of some INEQUALITIES you might be aware of in your life…….
What will you do to help promote EQUALITY in and out of school? Think of INEQUALITIES in your life. What will you do to ensure as much EQUALITY exists within it?

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