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American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Blegen Library 2019

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1 American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Blegen Library 2019
LC users manual American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Blegen Library 2019

2 General overview Library of Congress (LC) Classification is an alphanumeric system which means that subjects are represented with letters and numbers combined in one symbol. All library material is arranged by subject. Every subject could be further subdivided in order to express a more specific topic. Every book should have a unique call number.

3 Structure of the LC call no.
The first two rows represent the general subject. For example, NA3765 corresponds to the subject “Mosaics, Ancient Greek” The third row is the cutter no. .D46 for the author “De Matteis” The forth row is the date of publication 2005 NA 3765 .D46 2005 Mosaici di Cos : dagli scavi delle missioni italiane e tedesche ( ) / Lorella Maria De Matteis (2005)

4 More information on the Cutter no.
Some subjects may also be structured with a geographic cutter no. For example, the call no. DF261.C65 corresponds to “Ancient Greece – Corinth”. In this case, the cutter no. .C65 describes the geographical place “Corinth”. Any additional cutter no. will follow. Only the first cutter will have a dot at the beginning. For example, in the call no. DF261.C65 R the cutter no. R63 corresponds to the author “Robinson, Betsey Ann” DF 261 .C65 R63 2011 Histories of Peirene : a Corinthian fountain in three millennia / Betsey A. Robinson (2011)

5 The LCCN can look also like this
DF 261 .D3 E26 v The first three rows DF261.D3 represent the subject of the book “Ancient Greece – Delos island”. The fourth row is the cutter no. E26 corresponding to the series statement “Exploration archéologique de Délos” The fifth row v. 44 is the volume number of the series The sixth row 2018 contains the publication year Le sanctuaire d'Apollon à Délos. Tome I. architecture, topographie, histoire / sous la direction de Roland Étienne … [et al.]. – Exploration archéologique de Délos ; v. 44 (2018)

6 Special collections In Blegen Library we keep separately the Periodicals, the Oversized books, the Dictionaries, the Encyclopedias and the Boxes. For that reason we have added an abbreviation for these special collections at the top of the label so that you know where to find them.

7 The abbreviations are:
Dict for dictionaries Per for periodicals Over for oversized Encycl for encyclopedias Box for boxes

8 A spine of a special collection should look like this
Before the call number there is the abbreviation Dict which means that this book is kept with the rest of the dictionaries. The rest of the call number represents the subject, the author cutter no., the year of publication and the volume no.

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