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Narrative Writing Writing Lesson #2 Notes.

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1 Narrative Writing Writing Lesson #2 Notes

2 What is Narrative Writing?
Narrative Writing tells a story or part of a story. Can also be a reflection – but, still told as a story. Used in novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, historical accounts, essays, poems, and plays. Follows a specific format similar to the plot of a story (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)

3 Narrative Writing Narrative writing should have all of the below included in some way because you are telling a story! Plot Format Exposition / Introduction Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution / Conclusion Other ways to make your narrative writing successful and interesting include these using these characteristics: Conflict Description - so the reader can picture your story happening Characterization – developing characteristics (qualities or traits) for the characters in your story Setting (time and place) Theme - purpose Point of View – 1st person (I, my) or 3rd person (he, she) Sequencing - order (chronological, flashbacks, etc.) Transitions (first, next)

4 Narrative Writing Assignment
With today being Friday the 13th, you will be writing about superstition. Write a story about a time when you were superstitious about something. If you can’t think of a time like this, make up a story about someone acting superstitious or using superstition in some way.

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