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Exploring the New Individual Membership Category

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1 Exploring the New Individual Membership Category
Cindy Phillips, 2018 – 2020 Membership Committee Zonta International

2 Zonta International Membership Committee PIP, Lynn McKenzie Chair North America Members Dr. Janice M. Greene, Liaison District 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 15 Cindy Phillips, Liaison D 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 , 12 Dr. Janice M Green Zonta Club of Naples Fl, Cindy Phillips, Zonta Club of Everett, WA,

3 Individual Membership Category 2 year pilot project 2018 – 2020 Biennium
Rationale for approval at the 2018 Convention Declining membership, need to explore additional membership opportunities Allows a person in a recognized business or profession to join Zonta without being affiliated with a Zonta club Could attract women and men who want to be part of Zonta without being a member of a club Could attract high profile women or men to be members Has the potential to increase membership

4 Who can become an Individual Member?
An individual member is a person in a recognized business or profession who wants to join Zonta without being committed to a club An individual member holds direct membership with Zonta International and may later transfer to a club

5 Rights and Responsibilities
The Individual Member is directly connected to Zonta International They may attend international conventions They may attend district conference and/or club meetings with the approval of the district and/or club They are not entitled to vote at any level of Zonta They may serve on an International Committee but are not eligible to serve on the International Board The individual member shall comply with the rules and policies of Zonta International

6 How can the Individual Membership Category keep people connected to Zonta?
This category can be used as a tool for individuals who support Zonta but cannot attend regular meetings Encourage partners or significant others to join Stepping stone into a club for those interested but not yet ready to commit to club life A way for interested women and men to get to know Zonta before committing to joining a club Option for those member not renewing their membership in a traditional club or e-Club to keep connected to Zonta Option for members of a club that is disbanding to keep connected to Zonta

7 What are the reasons members resign?
Family Work Travel Relocation Life changes and no time for meetings

8 Why would a member transfer from a club to the individual membership category?
The same reasons: Family Work Travel Relocation Life changes and no time for meetings

9 Did your club have any members not renew their membership in May?
If so were they contacted and offered Individual Membership as an option to stay connected to Zonta?

10 Recruiting Members to Zonta
Who in your club is responsible for recruiting new members? As club members we are all responsible for recruiting new members to Zonta. Prior to this category we recruited members to our clubs or e-Clubs now we have an alternative for those not ready to join a Zonta Club Offer them Individual Membership and become a member of Zonta International directly Providing Flexibility is key to our future growth

11 Rewards of Zonta Membership
Enhance your understanding of global issues Participate in local and global advocacy activities Network with like-minded individuals around the world Share cross-cultural experiences Build lifelong friendships

12 How can Individual Membership be a fit for former members?
Many members resign from Zonta because they can no longer commit to club life. Offering Individual membership can provide them with a way to stay connected to Zonta They receive critical updates on issues facing women in the world and regular updates on the activities of Zonta International Some clubs are reaching out to former members and offering them the opportunity to reconnect with Zonta as an Individual Member

13 How will headquarters keep Individual Members updated on Zonta?
Individual Members will receive the same e-newsletters and other critical updates on issues facing women in the world and regular updates on the activities of Zonta International as members of traditional clubs or e-Clubs They will also receive the Zontian magazine Call to convention Information about Zonta’s participation in the Commission on the Status of Women, updates on our Service Projects and 16 days of activism to name a few If they so choose their information will appear in the online member directory

14 What are the District/Region responsibilities?
When a new Individual member joins in your District and consents to have their details passed onto district/regions, HQ s a welcome to the new member and cc: the Lt. Governor The Lt. Governor or district/regional membership committee would be tasked with ing a welcome from the district to the member In the Guidelines for Districts/Regions there is a sample of information the district/region could include

15 Why should Districts/Regions/Clubs be responsible for contacting the Individual Member?
Individual members may transfer to club membership as they learn more about Zonta and connect with members at District/Area/Club meetings The more members we have the more they can bring about change to the lives of women and girls worldwide A way to seek out new members that are motivated to join a global movement for women’s rights Increasing our membership is a priority for all of us To reach our goal to have more members 31 May 2020 than on 31 May 2018 Who in your club can be knowledgeable about the Individual Member category?

16 How many Individual Members do we have worldwide?
The Individual Membership category was launched in November 2018 As of our latest update 30 April 2019 we have 28 Individual Members 10 of the 28 Individual Members transferred from a club the other 18 are either new to Zonta or former Zonta members

17 International dues for Individual Members
An Individual Member shall pay per capita dues $88 (NA members pay an additional US $3.00 for insurance liability) new member fee and if applicable, reinstated member fee. No additional dues and fee (club and district) apply unless the individual transfers to a club, at which time the individual pays the club and district dues.

18 Should the pilot project be continued or adopted as a permanent category?
The ZIMC is working with the Zonta International board to determine what the Success Measurers are for this pilot project. Indicators could be: Uptake - set a target range of new members Impact on exits - number of members who transfer from club rather then resign Individual Member engagement - survey

19 What happens if this pilot project is not renewed at the 2020 convention?
If it is decided at the 2020 Convention not to continue with this new membership category, those members in this category may continue under the terms of this pilot project until they terminate their membership.

20 Tools available on
Individual Membership application Individual Membership Application_April 2019.pdf Individual Guidelines for Districts Individual Membership_Guidelines for Districts.pdf Individual Membership Prospective Member FAQ’s Individual Membership_Prospective Member FAQs (1).pdf Transferring from Club Membership to Individual Membership Application Form Individual Membership_Transferring Members (1).pdf Transferring from Club Membership to Individual Membership FAQ’s ZI_Individual Member Transfer Form_April 2019.pdf

21 The more we know the more we Grow….
Thank you all for your time and interest in Growing Zonta

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