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NILUPP project office, PM office

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1 NILUPP project office, PM office
Envision Land Use Policy and Planning to improve land governance in Ethiopia: practice and challenges NILUPP project office, PM office presented on the 2018 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, take place at World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. from March 19 to 23, 2018

2 Background Agriculture in Ethiopia has a long history and is still taking the lion share of the country’s GDP: Providing some 80% livelihood and About 36% (2016) of the total GDP Dominantly traditional based practices – free grazing, free fuel wood collection, and low tech tillage and management practices – resulting the country to experience very serious Land and Natural Resources degradation problems. This has further caused the country to suffer from: Continued deterioration of the biodiversity, water (both ground and surface), etc. Serious natural and human calamity: Tropical disease outbreak (Malaria, Diarrhea, etc.), Flooding, Recurrent drought, Etc.

3 Present land use decisions
The Ethiopian government, in its effort to develop the country has issued different development strategic plans and programs. The first major initiative was Agricultural Development Led Industrialization, ADLI accompanied by pertinent programs –such as: Plan of Action for Sustainable Development to Eradicate Poverty, PASDEP Growth and Transformation Plan, GTP Etc.. 7/15/2019

4 Present land use decisions…
As a result, during the last two decades or more, Ethiopia has managed to register double digit economic growth. The country is also seen to make an encouraging progress in the areas of urban centers, and industrialization. However, land use decisions are just being made in a haphazard way (on rampant bases) – hence are taking place in the prime agriculture land, and wetlands. As a result, agriculture is then pushed to forest lands, parks and the remaining wetlands. Hence, making very serious Land use competition, overlapping, and even conflicts – both in rural and/ or urban.

5 Present land use decisions…
Sululta Wetlands converted into settlement Addis Ababa City Expansion into farmlands Eastern Industrial Zone, Dukam, Oromia NRS Lack of Coordination among Federal, Regional & District Allocation of Land 7/15/2019

6 Present land use decisions…
Chaffa Wetlands 1973 Chaffa Wetlands 2013 7/15/2019

7 Present land use decisions…
These rampant practices are believed also to have contributed to the fast deterioration of all natural resources: biodiversity, water (both ground and surface), etc. – which we all know are a common phenomenon of the country and causing some serious natural and human calamity: Tropical disease outbreak (Malaria, Diarrhea, etc.), Flooding Recurrent drought Etc.

8 Present land use decisions…
Therefore, all these are believed to have contributed to the presently seen good governance issues in the country. In view of overcoming these serious challenges and problems, the Ethiopian government has now decided to carryout National Integrated Land Use Planning and Policy (NILUPP).

9 Objective The main objective of the NILUPP is therefore to guide the sustainable transformation of the rural and urban life and land resources of the country by providing a very coordinated, all serving, aligned and harmonized land use plans and livelihood growth projects and programs. 7/15/2019

10 Present status A Roadmap is produced by a consultant known to have a good international experience. Side by side a National Integrated Land Use Policy Framework is also produced with the support of the USAID country office. The budgetary demand of the project is: Year Donor grant (50%) Loan (30%) GoE and beneficiaries (20%) Total (100%) 1 7,167,270 4,300,362 2,866,908 14,334,539 2 14,124,966 8,474,979 5,649,986 28,249,931 3 7,933,769 4,760,261 3,173,507 15,867,537 29,226,004 17,535,602 11,690,401 58,452,007 7/15/2019

11 Present status … At present, a project office is established in the PM office - to coordinate and lead the land use policy and planning works. The government of Ethiopia has also committed 25.5 million Birr for this fiscal year (2017/18), just to start for the preparatory works. In the same way, the WB (country office and German government (through GIZ) has pledged some 450,000 USD and 3 million Euro respectively).

12 Expected challenges and problems
Generally there is lack of awareness – at all level. The issue is also very complex in nature and people have different interests. There is serious lack of experience and knowledge base at the experts side. There is also a serious gap and limitations in the availability of spatial information and the appropriate technologies. 7/15/2019

13 Potential opportunities
The long standing commitment of the government and the people for NRM and environmental management of the country The bold decision and commitment by the Ethiopian government to adapt and carryout the Green Development Model, CRGE, in due implementing its GTP Same way, the decision made to adopt the SDG programs of the international community. Long standing open cooperation from the international community! 7/15/2019

14 Areas of support needed
However, it has started registering good records, the country is still a low economy (just in good track), and low technology. That the land use planning exercise is of high investment and technology demanding. Therefore, we expect the international community to play a good role in providing appropriate technical and technology support, capacity building, system development, and financing (as the case may be). 7/15/2019

15 conclusion That, this move is not merely a matter of interest only, but real action for a purpose. Truly this agenda is an interest to Ethiopia and also the globe (as it is boldly presented in Rio, 1992; Agenda 21, article 10). Therefore, it is highly appreciable, we work together and cooperate strongly. Thereby we ensure the safety and prosperity of humanity in the globe! 7/15/2019

16 Thank You! Thank You!

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