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Earthquake Odds and Ends Lind Gee

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquake Odds and Ends Lind Gee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquake Odds and Ends Lind Gee
Waves, waves, waves All things "seismo" Quantifying earthquakes Earthquake Monitoring

2 Elastic Rebound

3 Earthquake waves

4 Static Offset

5 Waves, waves, waves

6 Body waves P waves: Compressional or longitudinal wave
Compresses and stretches material in the direction of motion (volume change) Sound is an example of a compressional wave People "hear" earthquakes - and the Space Shuttle generates seismic waves Typical crustal values: km/sec S waves: Transverse or shear wave Shears or changes shape of material perpendicular to the direction of motion (shape change) Does not propagate in fluids Typical crustal values: km/sec

7 Body waves P waves: Compressional or longitudinal wave
Vp = ‡(K + 4/3 m)/‡r S waves: Transverse or shear wave Vs = ‡(m/r) K = modulus of incompressibility (dynes/cm2) m = modulus of rigidity (dynes/cm2) r = density (g/cm3) Typically observed that Vp ~ Vs ‡3 Elasticity theory for an "unbounded" solid well developed by 1822.

8 Surface waves Initially called "long" or "L" waves
Arise from the interaction of P and S waves with the free surface Rayleigh waves Elliptical motion in the horizontal and vertical planes V < .92Vs Love waves Shear motion in the horizontal plane Requires layered velocity structure Vs1 < V < Vs2

9 Wave Generation Earthquakes Explosions CTBT verification
Wind, waves, falling trees Humans (cars, axes, ....)

10 Seismo Stuff "Seism" - from the Greek seismos meaning earthquake
seismic - relating to an earthquake seismicity - earthquake activity seismogram - a record of an earthquake at a particular place seismograph - a seismometer combined with a timing system and a recording device to measure true ground motion seismologist - a scientist who studies earthquakes seismometer - a sensor or instrument for measuring true ground motion seismoscope - an instrument which responds to Earth motion but does not make a record

11 Seismo Stuff Seismology is a relatively young science ....
... with a rich mythology Flailing catfish (Japan) World supported by turtle (Mongolia) Dog shaking snow from his coat (Russia) Thunderbolts from God Namazu

12 Seismometry (then) 1880 Japan 132 China 1844 England 1877 Italy

13 Seismometry (now) Vault contruction Seismometers Digital data recorder

14 A selective history Lisbon earthquake; Mitchell associates earthquakes and seismic waves Calabrian earthquakes; first appointed earthquake commission mid 1700s-mid 1800s - experiments with machines to measure earthquakes - bowls of mercury, pendulums, and some efforts with clocks Naples earthquake; Mallet laid the foundation of modern observational seismology Ceechi constructed the first machine to measure the relative motion of the Earth and a pendulum as a function of time 1880s - Milne, Ewing, and Gray work in Japan building a network of seismometers Oldham reports the identification of P, S, and surface waves Discovery of the core by Oldham Observation of the discontinuity between the crust and mantle Discovery of the inner core by Lehman

15 Quantifying earthquakes: Intensity
1783: First intensity scale devised by D. Pignataro with 5 levels (slight, moderate, strong, v. strong, violent) 1823: Expanded to 6 levels with more detail by P. Egen 1846: First use of "isoseismals" to define areas of equal intensity and effectively to "locate" an earthquake 1883: Rossi-Forel scale with 10 divisions. Widely used, although much was "lumped" at level X. 1902: Initial Mercalli Scale. 10 grades 1931: Modified Mercalli Scale with 12 grades. Still in use today 1999: Community Internet Intensity Maps

16 Quantifying earthquakes: Intensity
Subjective measure of damage Depends on population! Use of Roman, rather than Arabic, numbers Comparison of past events with present

17 Quantifying earthquakes: Location
Development of seismometers allowed more precise location - Classic triangulation using S-P travel times

18 Quantifying earthquakes: Location
Today, earthquakes are more commonly located using P-wave travel times - Absolute travel times

19 Quantifying earthquakes: Location
New methods are being developed that yield highly precise locations Earthquakes along the Calaveras fault located by standard methods using P-wave travel times Relocated earthquakes obtained by cross-correlating waveforms.

20 Quantifying earthquakes: Magnitude
Efforts to characterize earthquake size using amplitudes Concept developed independently by Richter and Wadati in the 1930s nomogram

21 Quantifying earthquakes: Magnitude
Ml = log A + log Ao(D) - assuming a "standard" seismograph - referenced to an amplitude of .001 mm at 100 km - A is the maximum amplitude on a record, typically the S-wave - A M6 earthquake produces an amplitude 10 times greater than an M5, 100 times greater than an M4, and 1000 times greater than an M3 This concept has been expanded over time: mb = log (A/T) + Q(h, D) - body-wave magnitude Ms = log (A20) log (D) surface-wave magnitude Magnitude is a useful, but empirical, measure of earthquake size based on maximum recorded amplitudes. However, these magnitude scales "saturate" for large earthquakes

22 Quantifying earthquakes: Moment
Over the last 20 years, seismologists have developed a measure of earthquake size based on a model of the source as a pair of force couples. Seismic moment can be expressed very simply Mo = m A d where m is the modulus of rigidity, A is the area of the fault rupture, and d is the average displacement along the fault. It has the units of force x distance and is typically measured in dyne-cm. Moment has used to define a new magnitude scale, known as moment magnitude MW Mw = 2/3 log (Mo)

23 Seismoscopes

24 Earth Structure

25 Earth Structure

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