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Part /11/22 Vincent Guillemot

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Presentation on theme: "Part /11/22 Vincent Guillemot"โ€” Presentation transcript:

1 Part 1 2016/11/22 Vincent Guillemot
Hypothesis testing Part 1 2016/11/22 Vincent Guillemot

2 Preliminary reminders / remarks

3 Central-Limit Theorem
The means of a great number of samples follow a Gaussian law, even if those samples follow a different law.

4 William S. Gosset

5 Student's t-distribution...
... with ๐‘‘ degrees of freedom, is the distribution of a random variable ๐‘‡ such that: ๐‘‡= ๐‘(0,1) 1 ๐‘‘ ๐œ’ 2 (๐‘‘) Why is this interesting? Because mean 1 size standardโˆ’deviation โˆผStudent(sizeโˆ’1)

6 Confidence intervals

7 What does it represent? If the experiment was repeated a great number of times, most of the estimated parameters (of interest) would belong to this interval.

8 Significance level ๐›ผ Is equivalent of an error risk. Usually, ๐›ผ=0,05.
However, its value depends on the domain of application.

9 Confidence interval on the mean
For a sample of size ๐‘›, with mean ๐‘š and standard deviation ๐‘ โ€ฆ ๐‘šโˆ’1,96 ๐‘  ๐‘› ;๐‘š+1,96 ๐‘  ๐‘›

10 Confidence interval on the mean - 2
More precision if we use Mr Gossetโ€™s distribution: ๐‘šโˆ’ ๐‘ก ๐‘›โˆ’1;1โˆ’ ๐›ผ 2 ๐‘  ๐‘› ;๐‘š+ ๐‘ก ๐‘›โˆ’1;1โˆ’ ๐›ผ 2 ๐‘  ๐‘›

11 Exercise Use the function called t.test to compute the confidence interval of the mean โ€˜non dominant arm strength differenceโ€™ of the โ€˜CCโ€™ individuals.

12 Statistical hypothesis testing

13 Sir Ronald Fisher

14 Hypotheses Examples: drug > placebo?
is the new fertilizer more efficient? Is there a linear relationship between size and weight? Two hypotheses : null hypothesis, noted ๐ป 0 , in general a statu quo! alternative hypothesis, notรฉd ๐ป 1 or ๐ป ๐ด .

15 Statistic Under the null hypothesis, we know the distribution of a ceryain value computed from the data, called the statistic. To each test corresponds a statistic (Student, Z-test, Khi etc.).

16 Two types of errors ๐›ผ: reject ๐ป 0 when itโ€™s true.
๐›ฝ: โ€˜acceptโ€™ ๐ป 0 even though it is not true.

17 p-value Is equal to the probability that the obtained statistic is even more extreme compared to its theoretical distribution under the null hypothesis. To take a decision: the null is rejected as soon as the p-value is inferior to ๐›ผ.

18 tests on one or several means

19 Test that the mean is different from a reference value
Null: the mean is equal to ๐œ‡ 0 , Alternative: the mean is different, meanโˆ’ ๐œ‡ ๐‘› variance

20 Exercise When you used the function called t.test to compute the confidence interval of the mean โ€˜non dominant arm strength differenceโ€™ of the โ€˜CCโ€™ individuals, what was the โ€˜single meanโ€™ test that was performed and what was its result?

21 Test that two samples have the same meansโ€“ 1
Mean of sample 1 : ๐‘š 1 , variance of sample 1 : ๐‘  1 2 Mean of sample 2 : ๐‘š 2 , variance of sample 2 : ๐‘  2 2 Size of both samples: ๐‘› ๐‘š 1 โˆ’ ๐‘š ๐‘› ๐‘ฃ 1 + ๐‘ฃ 2 โˆผStudent(2๐‘›โˆ’2)

22 Test that two samples have the same meansโ€“ 2
Use the version that does not make the assumption that the variances are the same.

23 Exercise Compare the mean โ€˜non dominant arm strength differenceโ€™ of the โ€˜CCโ€™ and the โ€˜CTโ€™ individuals.

24 Power analysis Use the function power.t.test to compute the necessary sample size to have a significant result with different effect sizes. What is the shape of the resulting function ? Use plot to have a better look !

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