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OTHER Business validation rule changes

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1 OTHER Business validation rule changes
Presented by: Michele Elledge School Year March 2019

2 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS

3 Business Validation Rules Intro
Business Validation Rules are added, revised, and/or deleted due to Legislation, Quality assurance discoveries, Support questions, or Program area requests.

4 Business Validation Rules Intro
The following slides provide a high-level view of miscellaneous validation rule changes that have not been covered by other training agenda items. A detailed list of all validation rule changes can be found in the Section 5 Change Log.

5 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS

6 Business Validation Rules-Organization
Except for campuses registered with TEA as a JJAEP, if a campus has at least one student enrolled with AS-OF- STATUS-CODE "B", "D", "F", or "X" and ECONOMIC- DISADVANTAGE-CODE of "01" or "02", then NSLP-TYPE- CODE must not be "00". Revision: Added 'AS-OF-STATUS-CODE of "B", "D", "F", or "X" and’ Reason: To check for enrolled students and reduce the chance of the error displaying unnecessarily. Note: production support issues with this rule have caused us to make tweaks

7 Business Validation Rules-Organization
For a particular CAMPUS-ID, SCHOOL-YEAR, and INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE where INSTRUCTIONAL-PROGRAM-TYPE is "05"-"12", the sum of all SCHOOL-DAY-INSTRUCTIONAL-MINUTES should be greater than or equal to 43,200. Revision: Changed "greater than 43,200" to "greater than or equal to 43,200". Reason: To better align this Special Warning rule with the language in TEC which states "at least 43,200 minutes", and to prevent this error from displaying when a campus with one of these instructional programs has exactly 43,200 instructional minutes in their calendar. TX-InstructionalProgramTypes: "Dropout Recovery Program/Campus" (05), "Disciplinary Alternative Education Program/Campus" (06), "Correctional Facility Program/Campus" (07), "Residential Treatment Facility Program/Campus" (08), "Day Treatment Facility Program/Campus" (09), "Psychiatric Hospital Program/Campus" (10), "Medical Hospital Program/Campus" (11), or "Charter School issued under TEC (Excel Academy)" (12)

8 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS

9 Business Validation Rules - STAFF
If ROLE-ID is "033" or "036", then there should be at least one staff payroll with a matching TX-UNIQUE- STAFF-ID where OBJECT-CODE is "6129" or "6122". New Special Warning rule Reason: Filling some gaps in the warnings provided to help align Role IDs to payroll Object Codes.

10 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS

11 Business Validation Rules - STUDENT
If MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is "4", then this student must be reported with Attendance or Flexible Attendance where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK". Revision: Changed Error Level from Special Warning to Fatal; Changed 'GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "PK"' to 'this student must be reported with Attendance or Flexible Attendance where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK"'. Reason: For this submission 3 rule, it is more effective to look at the grade level reported with attendance through out the year than at the grade level at the end of the school year.

12 Business Validation Rules - STUDENT
If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY from their student school association must be blank. Revision Revision: Added "and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY". Reason: Campus Id of Accountability is not reported for school leavers.

13 Business Validation Rules - STUDENT
For each student, only one of the following three indicators may be "1": ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE, P-TECH- INDICATOR-CODE, or T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submissions 1, 3, and 4 Reason: Prevent a student from being reported as enrolled in more than one of these programs: Early College High School (ECHS), Pathways in Technology (P-TECH), or Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM).

14 Business Validation Rules - STUDENT
If T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved as a T-STEM campus. Revision: Removed PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Campus ID of Enrollment is generally not reported on StudentSchoolAssociation for these submissions. If T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the student must be reported with at least some Attendance or Flexible Attendance in a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that is approved as a T-STEM campus. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 Reason: Replacement for Note – Sub 4 will not have a replacement rule because Campus Id values are from such disparate groups of students that it would not be efficient or effective to do this check

15 Business Validation Rules - STUDENT
If ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved as an ECHS campus. Revision: Removed PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Campus ID of Enrollment is generally not reported on StudentSchoolAssociation for these submissions. If ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the student must be reported with at least some Attendance or Flexible Attendance in a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that is approved as an ECHS campus. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 Reason: Replacement for Note – Sub 4 will not have a replacement rule because Campus Id values are from such disparate groups of students that it would not be efficient or effective to do this check

16 Business Validation Rules - STUDENT
If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved to have a P-TECH program. Revision: Removed PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Campus ID of Enrollment is generally not reported on StudentSchoolAssociation for these submissions. If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the student must be reported with at least some Attendance or Flexible Attendance in a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that is approved to have a P-TECH program. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 Reason: Replacement for Note – Sub 4 will not have a replacement rule because Campus Id values are from such disparate groups of students that it would not be efficient or effective to do this check

17 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS

18 Business Validation Rules - Attendance
For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is 26 or greater, then all instances of FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be 0, blank, or not reported. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: A student's eligibility for flexible attendance funding ends when they are age 26 on September 1. Fyi being implemented for also, but won’t be published in TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.

19 Business Validation Rules - Attendance
For each Flexible Attendance data item, FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (matching Special Programs Attendance with ATTENDANCE-EVENT- INDICATOR of "Flexible - Bilingual/ESL") must not be greater than (FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES- PRESENT/240). New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: A student’s Bilingual/ESL Flexible Attendance must not be more than their regular flexible attendance for the same period. Fyi being implemented for also, but won’t be published in TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.

20 Business Validation Rules - Attendance
For each Flexible Attendance data item, FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (matching Special Programs Attendance with ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR of "Flexible - PRS") must not be greater than (FLEX-ATTEND- TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240). New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: A student’s Pregnancy Related Services Flexible Attendance must not be more than their regular flexible attendance for the same period. Fyi being implemented for also, but won’t be published in TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.

21 Business Validation Rules - Attendance
For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is greater than 21, then no Special Education Flexible Attendance can be reported. New Fatal rule for PEIMS Submission 3 and 4. Reason: Special education flexible attendance must not be reported for students over 21 years old on September 1. Fyi being implemented for also, but won’t be published in TEDS

22 CONTENTS Business Validation Rules Introduction
Business Validation Rules – Organization Business Validation Rules – Staff Business Validation Rules – Student Business Validation Rules – Attendance Business Validation Rules – Course Completion CONTENTS

23 Business Validation Rules-Course Completion
If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then COURSE- SEQUENCE-CODE should be "0". Deleted this rule before it was ever implemented. Reason: We incorrectly assumed all dual-credit courses are one semester courses, when in fact dual-credit courses are offered in a variety of arrangements. A team of staff from Business Management, Performance Reporting, and College, Career, and Military Prep (CCMP) are working to provide additional guidance for reporting dual-credit courses and college credit hours accurately. Additional TSDS changes could result. Fyi deleted in also, but that change won’t be published in TEDS. A Notice/Memo will be published soon including this change.

24 Questions? 7/12/2019

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