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Strengthening Global Coordination FOR Land Governance Monitoring and Data for Policy Decisions; Experiences from Global Land Indicators Initiative Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Global Coordination FOR Land Governance Monitoring and Data for Policy Decisions; Experiences from Global Land Indicators Initiative Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Global Coordination FOR Land Governance Monitoring and Data for Policy Decisions; Experiences from Global Land Indicators Initiative Presentation at the annual WORLD BANK conference on LAND AND POVERTY WASHINGTON DC, March 19 – 23, 2018 Presentation by: Everlyne Nairesiae

2 The Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII)
A global multi-stakeholder platform of over 50 partners Founded in by World Bank, Millennium Challenge Cooperation and Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) ATUN Habitat, GLII is hosted and facilitated by GLTN in UN Habitat Mission: Make global scale monitoring of land governance a reality Aligned to –VGGTs, SDGs, NUA; and AU-F&G, Agenda2063 •Mandate: Coordinate, convene and facilitate dialogues between land and data communities, other stakeholders on land governance monitoring Develop global comparable and nationally applicable land indicators, methodology, tools and protocols for comparable data, Awareness and advocacy on land governance monitoring Facilitate access to technical support for capacity strengthening for harmonized approaches in land governance monitoring including gender disaggregated data, new data technologies. Research and knowledge management – papers, assessments and studies on land governance monitoring. Going beyond data to reporting on land governance progress and trends- national, regional and global.

3 Mission Delivery – Implementation
World Bank, UN agencies, others Global Partners GLTN Country Government, Networks & Civil Society National Partners Bilateral /multi lateral initiatives and partners country level LPI Regional Partners UNECA others Open and harmonised framework of global land monitoring GLII is built on a collaborative structure with partners


5 Sustainable Development Goals
Result Framework: I69 Targets 230 indicators to follow up and review progress Implementation through national planning processes, policies, strategies and frameworks Regional framework for integrating land data monitoring also important Robust, comparable. consistent methodologies and statistical reliability Additional resources and technical capacity required to: embed harmonised and globally comparable data collection in national statistical systems- NSOs Production of timely, quality and gender disaggregated data on land Facilitate and sustain consistent expert dialogues on data analysis and review at country and regional level

6 Improving Land Tenure Security to end Poverty

7 Where is Land in SDGS SDGs – 17 goals, 169, targets, 240 indicators
2030 Agenda contains land-related targets and indicators under SDGs 1, 2, 5, 11 and 15 (see GLTN and Land Portal Joint Initiative providing info on Land and SDGs - supported by Omidyar network SDGs 1, 2, 5, 11 and 15. 9 Targets and 12 indicators related to land Targets – 1.4 (Indicator on tenure security) Target 2.3 (Indicators and addressing smallholder farmers) Target 2.4 (Indicator – on agricultural area) Target 5.a (indicators- 5.a.1 – securing women’s agricultural land, and 5.a.2 on legal framework on securing women’s land) Target 11.1 ( Indicators ), 11.3 (indicator ) and Target 11.7 (indicator ) addressing urban informality and access to housing; open spaces and land consumption rate.) Target 15.1 (indicators , ) and Target 15.3 (indicator ) on ……forest areas, biodiversity and land degradation neutrality).

8 Big Success = Big Challenge

9 Why Coordinate Land Governance Monitoring Initiatives?
Shared commitment- transparent, equitable and accountable land governance system Inspiration to achieve responsible land governance – VGGTs, SDGs, NUA, AU-F&G, UNCCD, and others Recognition of importance of evidence based land governance – data for planning and policy decisions by the land community. Need for inclusive, gender responsive and transformative approaches to tracking progress on land governance issues including women’s land rights, territorial and customary governed tenure; urban informality, poor and vulnerable communities. Promote comparability of monitoring and evaluation approaches to land governance issues – indicators, data collection tools and approaches; for comparable data at country, regional and global levels. Harmonize key concepts, definitions and approaches – to various data sets Foster complementarity and synergies among land and data agencies – save cost, ensure efficiency, allow triangulation of data sets, expand scope of data sources. Reduce duplication of efforts: Need to connect and Link Initiatives - allow direct interactions, learning, sharing, access and use of a wider sources of data sources – analysis and reporting. Embrace multi-stakeholders approach to data generation, analysis and reporting Build and weave a common narrative and messaging that promotes a common/shared understanding and appreciation of why monitoring land governance issues matter. UN-High Level Political Forum CSW62 – high level sessions Global Campaign on Securing Women’s Land Rights – GLTN partners on the lead. Need for common partners space–common tent, everyone efforts count and a role to play, but efforts are mutual reinforcing and synergized.

10 GLII Achievements Coordination of efforts with and alignment with Global and Regional Frameworks VGGTs – inspired the development of a set of 15 indicators for monitoring land governance by the GLII platform members. SDGs – include specific land governance indicators – create the much needed momentum to drive global demand and response to need land governance data. Pressure from the land community successfully secured including of indicator in the SDGs. Coordination and support from data agencies – DHS, MICS, LSMS etc. Role of NSOs and regional land and statistical institutions linked and supportive. New Urban Agenda - recognize the importance of land governance in urban planning, development and prosperity; linked to SDG11 UNCCD – efforts linked to tenure security SDG and on land degradation. Africa Union – LPC - MELA Initiative including a number of GLII indicators and linked with SDGs. Regional statistical institutions engaged Other related initiatives: Landmark data on indigenous communities; ILC Dashboard and PRIndex – efforts are aligned and engaged in the context of SDGs process ( part of the bigger tent). Several GLII indicators included. Other national and grassroots led efforts in data gathering. Localizing the SDGs, targets and indicators Campaigns, advocacy and policy influencing efforts


12 GLII Achievements Land and data agencies – working together
SDGs methodology development – involved a multi-stakeholder including National Statistical Organizations (NSOs) and regional stats bodies; national and regional land institutions; CSOs/INGOs, the GDWGL Coordinated and supported efforts for harmonization of indicator and 5.a.1 EGM on securing women’s land rights in the context of the SDGs – attended by technical experts from land and data communities including NSOs. Conducted a multi-country capacity assessment for 17 NSOs – on preparedness to report of tenure security indicator – report supporting the reclassification of indicator to Tier II. Link the efforts of the custodians – SDG1, 2, 5, 11 and 15; and 16 – all the land indicators in the SDGs framework matters. Mobilize technical inputs – technical experts from the GLII community to support various efforts.

13 What are the challenges?
Building trust among key players – with different mandate/strategies and approaches. Managing expectations – e.g. efficiency to get work done versus the need to build consensus among key actors Structured and time bound- data collection and reporting mechanisms – e.g. SDGs and role of actors. Resources coordination and regularly convening – land and data communities; other unconventional stakeholders Capacity development on land governance monitoring – focus at regional and national level. Research, advocacy and knowledge management Going beyond data – allow collation, analysis and reporting on global trends, emerging issues and lessons learnt in the land governance at national, regional and global level.

14 GLII Theory of Change


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