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US Constitution Article IV, V, VI, VII.

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Presentation on theme: "US Constitution Article IV, V, VI, VII."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Constitution Article IV, V, VI, VII

2 What You Will Learn What does Article IV do
What is the Amendment process What is the importance of Article VI What does Article VII do

3 Article 4 Establishes relations between states

4 Article 4, Section 1 Official Acts
Recognizes the laws, court decisions, and records of all other states Such as a Marriage in Vegas

5 Article 4, Section 2 Mutual Duties of States
Citizens will be treated equal in all states Establishes the right of extradition Person will be returned to the state the crime was committed in Established that slaves could no escape to become free Later abolished

6 Article 4, Section 3 New States and Territories
Congress has the power to admit new states Congress has the power over federal land

7 Article 4, Section 4 Federal Protection for States
Govt. can send troop into a state to maintain law and order Hurricane Andrew is an example 9/11 is an example

8 Article 5 The Amendment process 2 Methods
2/3 majority in congress to propose 3/4 of states must ratify 2/3 of state legislatures to propose or 3/4 of state conventions (never done)

9 Article 6, Sec 1 Public Debts and Treaties
Would honor all debts incurred by the nation

10 Article 6, Sec 2 Supreme Law Called the Supremacy Clause
Made the constitution the supreme law of the land

11 Article 6, Sec 3 Oaths of Office
No religious test required as a requirement to hold public office This is also seen in the first amendment

12 Article 7 Ratification of the Constitution
States that nine states must ratify Went in to effect June 1788

13 Activity In one paragraph expalin why Article VI is so important

14 What You Have Learned What does Article IV do
What is the Amendment process What is the importance of Article VI What does Article VII do

15 Assignment

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