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Public Involvement Involvement Public – who?

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Presentation on theme: "Public Involvement Involvement Public – who?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Involvement Involvement Public – who?
Stakeholder Partner Client: User/Visitor/Customer/Non-user/Agent See Kotler/Howard & Crompton Classification Involvement How, when , where, why, what, how much?

2 Transactive PI Two-way communication, dialogue
Common ground, shared values Mutual learning, increased understanding & ownership Collaborative solutions

3 Principles PI an integral part of planning process
Develop a PI Plan- Why, Who, What, When, Where, How, How much Continuing participation – build relationships Open and two way communication – informed inputs, documented responses

4 Why? Improve decisions Inform various publics Build support & trust
Understand your publics Collaborative solutions Partnerships

5 What? Identify, clarify, prioritize issues Values, preferences, needs
Goals & objectives Generate alternatives Evaluate Help implement

6 How? – PI Tools News letters/ releases, web sites
Meetings, workshops, open houses Phone trees/contact lists, people database Kiosks Focus groups, Delphi, Nominal group tech. Advisory groups Comment, complaint boxes, Internet

7 Where, When, How Much? Where? When? My place or yours?
Internet, mass media, face-to-face, public or private gatherings When? Early and throughout process Convenience of the intended public How Much? Benefit/Cost ratio

8 Publics/Market Segments
Input Publics Support Supplier Employee Output Publics Consumers Agents Sanctioning publics General, competitor, special, government

9 Market Segmentations Demographic/Socioeconomic Geographic
Psychographic Product-related

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