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North Staffs Lads n Dads Erlangen Trip June 2018 On the 29th June 2018, 15 Boys, 4 Coaches and Clive Dean of the North Staffs LadsanDads Association.

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Presentation on theme: "North Staffs Lads n Dads Erlangen Trip June 2018 On the 29th June 2018, 15 Boys, 4 Coaches and Clive Dean of the North Staffs LadsanDads Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Staffs Lads n Dads Erlangen Trip June On the 29th June 2018, 15 Boys, 4 Coaches and Clive Dean of the North Staffs LadsanDads Association set off on a weekend trip to Erlangen, Germany Founded in 1967 by a Stoke Lord Mayor, the late Doug Brown, Staffordshire Ladsandads provide organised football for children across Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas.

2 Friday 29th June, we boarded a plane, for the first leg of our Journey

3 A coach, 3 trains and with the help of an odd taxi or willing local resident, we finally arrived at our destination some 14 hours later.

4 We even generated some support from the UK


6 We made it through to the Final where we played a team from Russia.

7 Having taken the lead and still 1:0 up at half time, a combination of the Hot Weather, a testing Semi Final and exhausting travel we eventually bowed out 1:2


9 After a little sightseeing in the nearby town of Bamberg….

10 …. we headed home with the runners-up trophy, heads held high
…..we headed home with the runners-up trophy, heads held high. Now for the re-match….!

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