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Harnessing Zambia’s land potential

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1 Harnessing Zambia’s land potential
REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA MINISTRY OF LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Harnessing Zambia’s land potential Land and Poverty Conference Washington DC, March 20, 2018 Joseph Minango Surveyor General Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources & Environment

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Background on land tenure in Zambia
Advances & challenges in Zambia’s land administration Using ZILMIS data to assess revenue collection performance Simulating changes in rate structures & coverage Next steps

3 Vision and key tenure types & issues in Zambia
An efficient & effective land admin. system that promotes security of tenure, equitable access and utilisation of land for the sustainable development of the people of Zambia. > 70% under customary tenure < 30% in statutory tenure (“state land”) National Forests & Game areas Urban land Resettlement schemes & farm blocks Large agricultural farms It has therefore taken 114 years Conversion Lands Act provides mechanisms Requires consent by chief & approval by district council & commissioner of Land

4 Resettlement schemes & farm blocks
41,000 properties total Most old with no updates High level of encroachment Farm blocks Farm block Province District Size (Ha) Nasanga Central Serenje 155,000 Kalumwange Western Kaoma 100,000 Luena Luapula Kawambwa Manshya Northern Mpika 147,000 Mikelenge N/W Solwezi Musakashi CB Mufulira Mungu Lusaka Kafue Simanga Southern Livingstone Mwase Phangwe Eastern Lundazi It has therefore taken 114 years

5 Dealing with customary tenure in ways that benefit all
Enormous variation among chiefs TGCCP pilot tenure & agroforest Impact eval. to assess benefit Process study/costing for cost Need interface with formal records Document existing rights Real time land use overlays (imagery) Process for conversion/inspection It has therefore taken 114 years Household mapping

6 Agriculture: Zambia has enormous unutilized potential
Potential is enormous 43 mn ha med./high potential for agricultural production Only 6 mn. ha utilized Expansion very haphazardly 12,000 farms in MLNR records 1,200 in MinAg. No cadastral records; bribes Undermines investment/RAI Working on ways to harmonize This year’s post-harvest survey Satellite image -> early warning Results in 6 months It has therefore taken 114 years

7 Advances in NSDI Potential is enormous Develop Central Geodatabase
Integrate & reduce duplication Provide Basis for expansion e.g. large scale regularization Develop Central Geodatabase 250cm satellite imagery for the whole country 50cm imagery for 88 townships Fundamental data sets-e.g. administrative boundaries, Digital Terrain Models included Geoportal & Web Map Services For publishing data See next slides It has therefore taken 114 years


9 ZILMIS can help address challenges on state land
Established with own resources Unified platform, on Oracle Potential use for billing Link to banking system Mobile money Scope for back-end integration National registration Revenue authority Company register (PACRA) Performance well below potential < 10% of potential collected Data quality Limited data entry QC (areas) Many fields not filled (cell #s) Partial process; no spatial integration Properties in ZILMIS ~600,000 Certificates of Title ~ 172,000 Cadastral layer ~ 69,000 Need data to raise policy questions What holds up title issuance? Linked to revenue collection? It has therefore taken 114 years

10 Revenue Collection: Actual vs. potential

11 Policy issues raised by the data: Revenue collection
Ground rent can give high revenue 200,000 of 600,000 prop. billed Some 10% of potential collected Over-reliance on high cost resid. > 66% of bills issued; 50-60% of expected ground rent revenue Abysmal collection (<5%) Despite very low rate ($40/ha) Data quality/political issue? Better enforcement? Cost of paying likely the issue No revenue from medium cost resid. Complexity/cost of registration keeps them in informality Simplify & reduce cost but charge realistic round rent? What is viable? Agric. & industry > 50% of actual collection Limited coverage: 50 of 120K agric. properties Only 10K industrial properties? Need for data cleanup and link to mining registry It has therefore taken 114 years

12 The scope for changing rate structures

13 Changing rate structure to enhance revenue?
Existing rates are regressive Limited adjustment for area No link to market price Adjust: > 10-fold increase 0.4% - low by global standards From US$ 5 to 65 mn. 20-fold for residential even more for industry 2.5 times for agric ($8/ha) … without expanding tax base Data quality & realistic rates It has therefore taken 114 years

14 Scope for new residential titling program

15 What does this mean for national titling program?
Illustration - only for residential Legal basis exists Demand & for regularization; willingness to pay Low cost models available Methodology Determine built up area Divide by average size Use value/area based formula Result Max. 440,000 unsurv. resid. parcels Cost of US$ mn. May bring US$ 9 Mn/a ground rent -> Not a bad investment (if figures are confirmed) Low comp. to existing potential … and only realizable if rest in place Implication Proper system management key Utilize existing potential It has therefore taken 114 years

16 MLNR is now using data to adjust policy
Enhancing revenue collection Make payment easier Gateway to mobile payment Link to banks (ZRA) Joint collection with councils or utility companies Data/regulatory preconditions Complete records (mobile #s) Explore willingness to pay Waive back payments/interest? Improving data quality/integration Specific measures by land use type High/low cost residential Audit of agricultural estates with MinAgric Commercial land & zoning Link spatial & textual data Digitize backlog of surveys It has therefore taken 114 years

17 A common dashboard to monitor progress
Real time access by MLNR, MoF Gateway to banks/public for services Aggregate data to be public It has therefore taken 114 years

18 THANK YOU With support from

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