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Can ProTEST Strengthen DOTS?

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Presentation on theme: "Can ProTEST Strengthen DOTS?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can ProTEST Strengthen DOTS?
Political commitment strategic expansion plan, needed at all levels Diagnosis by smear microscopy catalyst function, problem of large proportion of smear negative patients Standardized treatment and treatment outcome Indirectly Reporting and recording Not parallel, confidentiality, work through established TB program, can improve by liaison with community

2 Minimum requirements for ProTEST acivities
Situation analysis Needs Opportunities Performance of TB program (“reasonable treatment outcome”) ? Use HIV/TB activities to improve DOTS

3 TB screening Reflect the prevailing conditions of the district
Symptomatic screening (3 weeks of cough) is sufficient

4 Screen all VCT clients or HIC positives?
Minimum all HIV positives All clients for nosocomial infection control?

5 Referral system Refer persons or samples? Only if stand-alone VCT
should we promote/discourage stand-alone VCT because of referral problems Pro : demedicalization, high volume, focus on prevention, ..

6 Increased case finding
ProTEST is one component of intensified case-finding ProTEST : symptomatic TB screening and TB education for all HIV infected persons Broader view: operations research needed for creative ways to improve existing passive symptomatic case finding, especially among high risk populations

7 Effect of Intensive case finding
Proportion of cases found through ProTEST is small (catchement area ?) Increased awareness of TB/HIV Increased capacity for diagnosis (and case management) ARV introduction might have larger effect compared to current ProTEST activities

8 Recommended activities
Screen HIV infected individuals for active TB Promote joint TB/HIV activities, capacity, commitment

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