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What are we talking about?

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Presentation on theme: "What are we talking about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are we talking about?
style, characteristics, realistic novel; it can be defined as; as for /as concerns the language… Matter-of- fact narration (REALISTIC NARRATION) Action and detailed facts; no thoughts and feelings Flat characters Fictional Autobiography Travel journal First person He reports his every-day life Language Simple and clear

2 You can read it as…; there are 3 keys to interpretation…
The religious allegory  celebration of puritan values: self-reliance and labour. The journey is a path to redemption. Desert Island= island of despair, the punishment for his sinhis departure from York; A paradise (prize for his labour and his ability to overcome the difficulties) The economic allegory  celebration of the middle-class mercantile values. He establishes a sort of civilisation that is similar to the society from which he comes. Island= property; Friday= a servant to exploit The imperialistic allegory  celebation of the colonial hero Relationship btw Robinson and Friday: the indigenous inhabitants are regarded as «savages» to civilise

3 What are we talking about?
Children’s classic  simple prose and fantasy and imagination Travel journal  recount of detailed facts and events Satirical novel  attack on humankind vices Each Journey a vice 1. First journey  The Lilliputians : cruelty, pettiness and provincialism 2. Second journey  the giants of Brobdingnag : human vanity and self-love 3. Third journey  The Laputans : futility of scientific abstract knowledge; pretensions of abstract intellectual thinking; 4. Fourth journey  The Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos : man is reduced to a disgusting species called yahoos submitted by the horses, the Houyhnhnms

4 What are we talking about?
Epistolary novel round character A best-seller 1. the introspective genre; 2. women represented the majority of the reading public; The meaning of the Virtue rewarded virginity and its value (low classes, upper classes)  marriage critics: an hypocrite behaviour? A social climber or a vituous and honest woman?

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