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New Data available New information or changes coming New meetings

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1 New Data available New information or changes coming New meetings
New News on March 11, 2017 New Data available New information or changes coming New meetings

2 Office of Housing Affordable Housing Stats – the HALA Ticker

3 Affordable Housing projected sources
For MFTE, counting lost units, in-service and in development units, we are at 3,070 units; 970 past the projections

4 Office of Housing Map of Affordable Housing Projects

5 These numbers will be revised at Draft EIS, new analysis adding growth, especially in UV’s with SF zoning.

6 Land Use Codes - other changes
Beyond zoning and development standards other portions of the Land Use Code will change for MHA. We need visibility of those changes early, not at the last minute Example The code which says single family zoning cannot be rezoned unless so specified in a Neighborhood Plan. This will be eliminated. (SMC )

7 5 early neighborhoods University District Downtown / South Lake Union
Chinatown / International District Uptown 23rd and Union / Cherry / Jackson nodes (those already in a planning process)

8 What we learned from the University District
Clawback provisions approved Resolutions to study displacement of residents and businesses in the University District were approved Expect last minutes surprises

9 What we are learning from DT / SLU
Minimum Density requirements may be rolled in. Rules for Contract Rezones will be considered Draft Directors Rule on Contract Rezones (SDCI DR ) Council may elect to legislate contract rezones as part of DT / SLU upzone package Or they may release the draft DR as-is Or they may put the DR back out for comment. right side under Draft Rules

10 Calendar – 5 early neighborhoods
University District - Done Downtown / South Lake Union Public hearing 3/13 6:00 pm City Hall Amendments, committee vote 3/21 (if nothing comes out in the Public Hearing that Council wants further review of). Final Full Committee vote 4/3. Chinatown / International District Uptown Planning Commission just briefed. Recommendations (maps etc) release on March 22, starts 30 day comment window Open House March 29, 5 – 7 pm, Seattle Center Pavilion 23rd and Union / Cherry / Jackson nodes (those already in planning process) Delayed until further notice

11 Calendar – more Citywide meetings set up

12 Questions?

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