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UmbrellaID in the EOSC era ?

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1 UmbrellaID in the EOSC era ?
23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

2 EOSC ? Integration of RIs Data / Services
Data Catalogues Data Analyses Services (Web remote desktop based, Notebook based) Simulation Services AAI and e-Infra support services. Compute capacity Data movements Integration at the scale of EOSC Service catalogue and management standards (FitSM) 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

3 AAI a changing landscape
1) SIRTFI : Currently impossible to get access to some services if your IdP is not compliant with Sirtfi framework . (e.g CERN) 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

4 Sirtfi compliance ? content/uploads/2016/01/Sirtfi-1.0.pdf [OS3] Mechanisms are deployed to detect possible intrusions and protect information systems from significant and immediate threats [OS6] A security incident response capability exists [IR4] Follow security incident response procedures established for the organisation. 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

5 AAI a changing landscape
2) Personal Data protection – GDPR Imposes Security Best practises Capability to inform users in case of security breach “UMBRELLA cannot be held liable for the security of data transmitted on the internet. All liability for indirect damage or damage caused by auxiliary persons of UMBRELLA is excluded.” Are we certain? 3) Technologies : From SAML to OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect to … WebAuthn/CTAP 4 ) EOSC AAI AARC2 proxy model (1 more proxy in the chain ?) 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

6 Free ? In order to work out an Umbrella development and target plan between the different facilities we need the following information: Please send us a list (similar to the example of PSI) with the developments with respect to Umbrella you are planning at your facility, helping us to define a target plan for Umbrella until mid November 2017. If you have other ideas on new planned services with Umbrella please add them to your list. What could your facilities contribute for the Umbrella collaboration, e.g. chair of TT or SC, technical development or else… Please suggest candidates for new chairs of SC and TT of Umbrella Collaboration. 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

7 E-Infras are developing their services
EUDAT B2ACCESS EGI – Check-in As a service: AAI catch-all instance Dedicated instance GÉANT – EduTeams Basic service Advanced service (per community contract and cost) All based on the AARC2 blueprints Should be interoperable and transparent for users 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

8 WP6 PaNOSC – collab with GÉANT
Ensure the secure integration of the PaNOSC services in the EOSC Study the feasibility, potential impacts and sustainability of the possible models for integrating the Photon and Neutron AAI with EOSC. Present, discuss and reach agreement inside the Photon and Neutron facility community at large (the PaNOSC partners and other members of the AAI consortium) on the integration of the PaNOSC AAI infrastructure, delivered with GÉANT, into EOSC. Implement this integration at the level of the Identity providers (IdP). Provide solution and documentation for the integration into the different services that PaNOSC is providing. 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

9 How do we want to integrate the PaN Services with EOSC
How do we want to integrate the PaN Services with EOSC ? What future do we want for UmbrellaId ? 23rd May UmbrellaiD Grenoble meeting J-F. Perrin

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