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Introduction of ISO/IEC Identity Proofing

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1 Introduction of ISO/IEC 29003 Identity Proofing
ITU Workshop on “ICT Security Standardization for Developing Countries” (Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014) Introduction of ISO/IEC Identity Proofing Patrick Curry Director, British Business Federation Authority (& SC27 WG5) Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

2 Why is identity proofing so important?
Trust is globally, strategically essential Authentication is key to trust Strength of credential depends on strength of enrolment & registration Core of enrolment is identity proofing and verification Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

3 What is identity proofing?
Process from application to entry into a register = authoritative source Identity proofing Checking the application & evidence of identity for Level of Assurance (LoA) Checking binding to the subject Proofing Examining corroborative sources of data Looking for contra-indicators Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

4 The Key Entities Person Organisation Device Software Complicated
Much national variation Organisation Register(s) of Legal Organisations 6 categories of attributes; 2 mandatory Device TPM best practice Secure issuance Software To be confirmed Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

5 The fast changing international situation
National cyber strategies Cyber control frameworks Pressure for strong authentication New regulations EU eID Authentication & Signature Regulations Many national e-ID programmes More authentication requirements in supply chains Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

6 The role of international standards
Enable interoperability = agility Enable deployment and affordability Reduces risks and costs Standards bodies need to: Engage with governments and industry Establish better coordination Move faster Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

7 Conclusions and Recommendations
Too slow Spread the load Avoid gaps Broadening communities Become more proactive Collaborate with ISO Framework approach Communicate better Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

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