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Practice AP Exam (2001) Essay 1, 2, 3.

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1 Practice AP Exam (2001) Essay 1, 2, 3

2 Common Issues: Synthesis Essay
Make sure to address the prompt- many of you did not discuss whether the post office needed to be restructured Use the sources to your advantage- choose the ones that support your point and make sure to OUTLINE your ideas first.

3 Common Issues: Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Not addressing the prompt You need to make sure you understand what the prompt is asking of you Lacking a clear thesis SUBJECT/ASSERTION/WHY John F. Kennedy conveys his unhappiness with steel companies by demonizing them to his audience.

4 Common Issues: Rhetorical Analysis Essay
DON’T focus so much on pointing out specific rhetorical strategies JFK uses syntax, diction, and ethos to make his point. DO have a strong grasp of what the speaker is arguing => Thesis DO discuss how they achieve their purpose in your analysis => Body paragraphs

5 Common Issues: Argumentative Essay
Understand what the prompt is asking- many of you did not address the relationship between certainty and doubt. You chose one or the other without making a CLAIM about their relationship (one being more necessary than the other or when one is more appropriate than another)

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