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Directed differentiation of hPSCs to hypothalamic progenitors.

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1 Directed differentiation of hPSCs to hypothalamic progenitors.
Directed differentiation of hPSCs to hypothalamic progenitors. (A-E) hPSCs were subjected to directed hypothalamic differentiation and immunostained on D12 for transcription factors indicative of telencephalic identity (FOXG1) or hypothalamic identity (NKX2.1, RAX, OTP, SIM1). (F,G) Quantification of immunostaining data (F) or quantitative RT-PCR data (G) on D12 shows that directed differentiation to telencephalic [dir.diff. (tel)] or hypothalamic progenitors [dir.diff. (hyp)] leads to the expression of expected region-specific genes. Error bars in F,G show s.d. Florian T. Merkle et al. Development 2015;142: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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