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Parable of the Great Dinner

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1 Parable of the Great Dinner
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable of the Great Dinner Lesson 9

2 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Introduction A. Jesus’ Eating Habits B. Lesson Background

3 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Jesus’ Eating Habits Some time ago a study was undertaken to address the question, “What would Jesus eat?” The study investigated common foods of Jesus’ day in order to determine what was most likely a regular part of His diet. What are some of the foods you think He may have eaten? Photo: © ValentynVolkov / iStock / Thinkstock® Photo: © ValentynVolkov / iStock / Thinkstock® 3

4 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Jesus’ Eating Habits A more important issue, however, is whom Jesus ate with. Some of these include Matthew and Zacchaeus (tax collectors), various other “sinners,” Pharisees (as in today’s text), Martha and Mary, and Jesus’ disciples. Click to add notes Photo: © ValentynVolkov / iStock / Thinkstock® 4

5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Jesus’ Eating Habits Jesus’ eating habits reveal His desire to reach out to all people—both the sinners who knew they were sinners and the sinners, such as the Pharisees, who didn’t. The parable in today’s Scripture passage highlights a banquet and the people who did and didn’t come to it. Click to add notes Photo: © ValentynVolkov / iStock / Thinkstock® 5

6 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline I. The Place (Luke 14:15) A. Sitting with Jesus (v. 15a) B. Speaking to Jesus (v. 15b)

7 Parable Details The Setting
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Setting Jesus is eating a meal on the Sabbath in the house of a well-known Pharisee. After healing a man in the house, Jesus begins to teach. Jesus challenges the Pharisee to invite the outcasts of society to his future dinners. Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock ® Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 7

8 Parable Details The Setting
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Setting Jesus states that those who are kind to the unwanted will be rewarded, not in this life but in the life to come (v. 14). Read Luke 14:15. What is a guest prompted to say? “Blessed are those who will eat in the kingdom of God.” Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 8

9 Parable Details The Setting Read Luke 14:15.
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Setting Read Luke 14:15. Why does the guest say this? While his motive is uncertain, he may have wanted to show he understood that Jesus was speaking of the kingdom of God, which will include a heavenly banquet. Jesus uses this statement as a prompt for His parable about a banquet. Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 9

10 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline II. The Parable (Luke 14:16-24) A. Invitation Extended (vv. 16, 17) B. Invitation Rejected (vv ) C. Invitation Expanded (vv )

11 Parable Details The Parable Itself
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Parable Itself Have a volunteer read Luke 14:16-24 aloud. With Bibles closed, answer the following true or false questions. You may wish to divide your class in half and have them take turns answering the questions. Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 11

12 Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False? 1. The three who asked to be excused had not previously been invited. False 2. One excuse for not attending was that the invitee’s daughter was getting married. Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 12

13 Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False? 3. The recent purchase of five yoke of oxen was used as an excuse. True 4. The host of the banquet personally went out to issue the third round of invitations. False Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 13

14 Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False? 5. The excuse of going to look at a field already purchased seems reasonable. False 6. The poor and the blind were invited during one of the rounds of invitations. True Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 14

15 Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Parable Itself True or False? 7. The last people invited were to be strongly urged to come. True 8. The host was willing to forgive and forget if the original invitees decided to come after all. False Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 15

16 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How do we overcome excuses people make to avoid responding to Jesus’ invitation? Talking Points for Your Discussion When those excuses have an intellectual basis When those excuses have an emotional basis When those excuses have a volitional basis 16

17 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What changes are needed for believers to make their relationship with Jesus the highest priority? Talking Points for Your Discussion Considering distractions of a person’s age demographic Considering distractions based in cultural expectations Considering family fissures that may result 17

18 Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable Jesus has a larger meaning behind the obvious message to be kind to the poor and physically disabled. Let’s explore the characters of the parable and whom they might represent. 1. Who is the host who issues the invitation? God Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 18

19 Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable 2. Who are the first ones to receive God’s invitation to be part of His kingdom? The Jewish people, who received the invitation by means of prophecies about Jesus’ coming and their position as God’s covenant people Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 19

20 Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable 3. What was represented by the first invitees’ excuses for not coming to the banquet? The Jews’ rejection of the kingdom as presented by Jesus 4. What group is represented by the poor and physically disabled? Jewish outcasts scorned by the Pharisees Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 20

21 Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Parable Details The Meaning of the Parable 5. What group is represented by those on the main roads and country lanes? The Gentiles, who will come from the four corners of the earth to take their place in the kingdom of God 6. How does the host’s final warning apply to the Jews, those first invited? Those who rejected Jesus will not take part in the heavenly banquet. Click to add notes Photo: © Denisgo / iStock / Thinkstock® 21

22 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How will you help your church reach out to the overlooked people in your community? Talking Points for Your Discussion Regarding those with disabilities Regarding those with addictions Regarding the poverty-stricken Other 22

23 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What additional steps can you take to share God’s Word with the lost? Talking Points for Your Discussion Personally In cooperation with other Christians 23

24 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How should we interact, if at all, with those who accepted Christ at one point but now reject Him? Talking Points for Your Discussion Considering arguments for seeking them out (Luke 15:4-10; etc.) Considering arguments for not seeking them out (Hebrews 6:4-8; etc.) 24

25 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Conclusion A. Keeping First Things First B. Knowing the Times C. Prayer D. Thought to Remember

26 How Inviting Is Our Church?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock How Inviting Is Our Church? We also should follow Jesus’ advice to reach out to the poor and physically disabled in our community. How well would you say our church does in each of the following areas? Photo: © AndreyPopov / iStock / Thinkstock® Photo: © AndreyPopov / iStock / Thinkstock® 26

27 How Inviting Is Our Church?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock How Inviting Is Our Church? How accessible is our church building for those in wheelchairs? Are there areas in the worship area set aside for wheelchairs? How might we improve? Click to add notes Photo: © AndreyPopov / iStock / Thinkstock® 27

28 How Inviting Is Our Church?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock How Inviting Is Our Church? Do we provide a person to sign for the deaf during the worship service? Is our sound system adequate to make the voice of a speaker loud enough for the hard of hearing? How might we improve? Photo: © Jovanmandic / iStock / Thinkstock® Photo: © Jovanmandic / iStock / Thinkstock® 28

29 How Inviting Is Our Church?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock How Inviting Is Our Church? Is transportation available to bring people to church who aren’t able to drive themselves? How welcoming is our church to the impoverished in our community? How might we improve? Photo: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock / Thinkstock® Photo: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock / Thinkstock® 29

30 Horizontal Visual Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,
part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Horizontal Visual

31 Thought to Remember Only the life that puts Jesus first will last.
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Thought to Remember Only the life that puts Jesus first will last.

32 God’s justice Next Week’s Lesson Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,
part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Next Week’s Lesson God’s justice

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