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Presentation on theme: "TracCloud."— Presentation transcript:

1 TracCloud

2 What is TracCloud? Simplified Interface
Modernized Browser HTML and Scripting Bootstrap Framework for responsive/mobile friendly interface Font-awesome graphical font for all user interface images XML-Based Content Management System providing Organized content control Security for each entity Leverage templates for consistent, reusable elements Apache Server / PHP / mySQL Engine Docker container, Cloud-based, with fail-over and redundancy on server and data PHP Gives us access to tools and APIs that are proven mySQL for Standardized database capabilities (fewer tools needed) Consistent Interface over multiple screens and within each module APIs for Accessing data via remote applications (ie Campus push and pull of student data) Simplified interface allows for easier to use and more consistent, error-free data entry. Boostrap helps provide the simple, yet consistent interface Using Font-awesome as a graphic font to eliminate the use of bandwidth-intensive graphics XML based content management similar to 4.0 but updated and modernized Apache Server with PHP and using my SQL for the database gives us an industry-standard and proven reliable web database system Rewritten for consistency APIs are added to make the system more capable and more useful in many different future uses.

3 TracCloud Cloud hosted for Rules methodology changed: Security Backup
Automatic updates Easier maintenance and support Access anywhere Rules methodology changed: Previously data was not accessible until a rule was created to allow access. TracCloud: a rule can be created to auto-allow access (within an appropriate group) or auto-prevent with exceptions Cloud based system allows us to handle updates immediately and to manage security automatically Easier to update and easier to allow access anywhere

4 TracCloud (continued)
All Interactions from Student perspective are simplified – every click counts All interactions from a Faculty perspective are simplified All Listings are essentially reports All Listings can be exported Users can create their own Listings (called Views) which can be searched and printed Redesigned the student experience…because every click counts Same for faculty, they wont use unless its easy Added power to the Listings by making them reports in and of themselves Quickly move the data from the system o Excel via a CSV view Listings/Reports can be created by users the reports can be searched, printed, exported

5 TracCloud Main Menu is the Dashboard Customizable Widgets Cleaner Look
Announcements are managed individually and for specific audiences Status charts available from Dashboard Main menu is the dashboard but simplified DEMO

6 TracCloud KIOSK Simplified & Updated look
Announcements from multiple sources show DEMO

7 TracCloud Scheduler Cleaner look More area for the schedule
Quicker to get to a person/center schedule Access to customization Each appointment’s text is customizable based on a center pref Entry is cleaner Custom fields for either student or consultant DEMO

8 TracCloud Scheduler (continued)
Booking appointments in 1-on-1 or groups easier Class roster counts shown easier Other centers dimmed Availabilities have an online option Group Availability subjects: Same subject Same section Same subject & instructor DEMO Scheduler on Admin Side

9 TracCloud Searching for Availabilities Click – Click –Done
Slot booking – if not allowed to view consultant no problem Center Info Customizable Search filter prefs –easy to use Loads new results quickly Still options for finding by date DEMO search and book appointment as a student

10 TracCloud Listings Nav Search Bar
Same Power Search, Search, Select, etc. as 4.0 except some additional capabilities CSV and Print Option Charts from Listing Create View DEMO Student Listing

11 TracCloud Entry Screens Open in new tab Modern Accessibility Rules
Customizable areas like 4.0 Custom Fields Fields have Types Fields are linked to pages Unlimited number DEMO Student Entry

12 TracCloud Course Lists Replace Subject Lists of Trac 4
Dynamic or Static Course Listings Use where ever a Course or Courses are used Reports Student lists Availabilities Center Courses Specialties Makes center courses easier to maintain from semester to semester DEMO

13 TracCloud SurveyTrac Surveys may be sent to ANY entity in the system, faculty, staff, consultants or students Send as many Surveys of any type to any entity Modernized interface DEMO

14 TracCloud Reports Additional capabilities
Faster to load, execute, print Modernized interface, using course lists DEMO

15 GUIDEBOOK: Session Evaluation and Handouts
After the session you attended to fill out the Session Evaluation: Click on Session Schedule then the Session Title Toward the bottom, click on Session Evaluation Fill the out the Survey and click Submit Want the handout for the session you just attended: Toward the bottom, in PDFS click on the guide you want to download.

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