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Pall Bearing, Handling Floral Tributes & Funeral Procedures

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1 Pall Bearing, Handling Floral Tributes & Funeral Procedures
Funeral Operative Unit OP4

2 Learning Outcome: The learner is able to:
Follow company procedures to make appropriate checks that take place before the funeral Receive and record floral tributes Carry a coffin, lower at graveside or place on trestles or catafalque Maintain a professional attitude in a range of situations

3 Have you checked….. Before the funeral
Identity of the deceased Jewellery & personal possessions Nameplate Spelling With another person before closing the coffin The day time and place

4 Have you checked….. Closing and handling the coffin
Is it the correct type In a good condition With the correct furniture Centralised on hearse deck, with the correct floral tributes

5 Evidence required for portfolio
Make appropriate checks and close the coffin Check plate with the funeral order Check details of cortege route and destination Place coffin in hearse using correct manual handling techniques Suggested forms of evidence Witness testimonies Annotated route plans Photos with notes Written (essay style) Log or journal Copy of company procedure (but must be annotated) (If using completed forms black out any names)

6 Handling and Recording of floral tributes
Check name on card Identify those for the coffin Keep tributes separate from other families List as per your company procedure HANDLE WITH CARE

7 Evidence required for portfolio
Check name on card to identify those for the coffin List tributes in a legible way as per your company procedure Place tributes at crematorium/church or graveside as requested by director Suggested forms of evidence: Photos with notes Written (essay style) Witness testimony Copy of company procedure (but must be annotated) Personal statement (signed by manager)

8 At the funeral The coffin should be carried slowly at all times
It should be centralised on trestles or catafalque It is usual for staff to bow or make some similar gesture of respect following conductor’s lead

9 At the funeral Be aware of hazards around the grave
Care when placing coffin over grave Ensure grave edge is boarded Know position of minister and mourners When lowering into a grave, keep level and lower slowly Will mourners back fill themselves

10 Quiet please Whilst waiting to remove the coffin from the hearse, for a church service to finish or at any other time, funeral staff should remain quiet and respectful

11 Evidence required for portfolio
Take instructions from conductor Work as part of a pall bearing team Apply appropriate safe manual handling principles Describe the correct use of putlocks and webs Describe hazards likely to be experienced with earthen burials Suggested forms of evidence Witness testimonies Diagrams (must be annotated) Written (essay style) Log or journal Personal statement (signed by manager)

12 All funerals are different, but….
Funerals for babies and children pose a particular strain on us Handling an infant’s coffin requires special care and the occasionally the use of gloves Or a different (smaller) vehicle

13 Problematic situations
Media attention Large congregations Obese coffins Bands Minister not arriving Time delays Family fallouts Mourners acting as pallbearers Mourners behaving badly Transport of coffin by other means

14 Evidence required for portfolio
Describe how a service differs for the funeral of an infant or child Explain how the mourners acting as pall bearers should be supported Describe problems which may arise from media attention Describe problems which may arise from mourners behaving badly Suggested forms of evidence Written (essay style) Written (note form)

15 Any questions?

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