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This year we something new

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1 Exchanging Rosh Hashana cards between children in the Western Galilee and Austin TX
This year we something new! We exchanged Rosh Hashanah cards between Israeli children and the children in The Jewish center in Austin TX. All together participated 33 children from Israel from the following classes: Gan Tomer- Kibbutza Matzuba,Gan Parpar- Tephen, Gan Argaman – Akko, Gan Yasmin- Akko, Gan Hatmarim – Akko and Gan Parpar Nechmad- Akko. In Austin participated 33 kids from Dinosaur and Dolphin classes from the Jewish center We send a special thanks to Dalia Zisman who coordinated this project in Austin and to all the Israeli teachers who succeeded to convince parents from their classes to participate in this project We hope that these Rosh Hashanah cards will lead to great connections between the families.(Even when the Israelis are 5 years old and the Americans are 3-4 years old) Here are some examples …..enjoy! Shana Tova from Efrat





6 Dear Shalev

7 Dear Linoy


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