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Requesting PDP Funds for Travel

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1 Requesting PDP Funds for Travel
Travel Funds Application (online form) Travel Request Form (TR) Travel Activity Evaluation (online form) Fall 2015

2 PDP Travel Funds for MCC Business
PDP has funds to support faculty travel and/or registration fees for flex-eligible professional development activities The budget varies from fiscal year to fiscal year Full-time AND Associate faculty are eligible to apply for PDP travel funds, as long as, the activity occurs during the flex-eligible period for that faculty member Full-time faculty: July 1 through June 30 Associate faculty: travel must occur between the first day of Flex week and the last day of finals in the semester in which they teach If available, all other District resources MUST be exhausted prior to applying for PDP travel funds such as department, divisional, and/or institutional funds, grants, etc.

3 Applying for PDP Travel Funds
There are TWO FORMS you need to complete in order to apply for PDP Travel Funds An online PDP “Travel Funds Application” A “Travel Request Form” (TR) The process cannot be finalized unless BOTH of the above forms are completed and submitted to the PDP office

4 Online “Travel Funds Application”
The online ‘Travel Funds Application’ can be accessed from the PDP/Flex webpage Fully complete the online PDP form to request funds Before filling out the online form, you will need to know… Total cost of the request (trip) Other funds i.e. NON-PDP funds available (if applicable) PDP funds i.e. up to the maximum amount of PDP travel funds available (varies from year to year)

5 “Travel Request Form” (TR)
Request a TR form from your department secretary (sample on next page) Fill out Parts A and B completely and sign the TR in section B1 in the left column of the form All signatures MUST be obtained prior to submitting the form to the PDP office When the PDP office receives a TR requesting PDP travel funds, they will also check to make sure the online PDP Travel Funds Application form has been submitted/completed

6 Sample TR Fill out top portion of the form (part A)
Fill out REQUEST (Estimated Costs) (part B) Mileage can only be claimed if you have your driving information on file with Risk Management (website) Meals can only be claimed if you spend at least one overnight stay at your destination Registration can either be paid by MCC or by you and then reimbursed All signatures are required prior to submitting the form to the PDP office (part B1) NOTE: The ‘Total Expenses Limited To’ amount is any amount OTHER than what is being requested from PDP (part B2) The President’s signature is required ONLY if travel is out-of-state

7 The Final Process The PDP office will verify that both forms have been completed / submitted The TR is sent to Fiscal Services for processing Fiscal Services assigns a TR# to the TR form (upper right corner of the form) and returns the original TR form to the faculty member AFTER the faculty member returns from their trip, they fill out the right side of the TR form (part D; CLAIM Actual Costs), sign and date it, attach original receipts, and return the form and receipts to Fiscal Services at M/S 6 The faculty member will also be required to fill out the online “Travel Activity Evaluation” form (see next page)

8 After Your Travel: “Travel Activity Evaluation”
The online ‘Travel Activity Evaluation’ can be accessed from the PDP/Flex webpage Complete the online PDP form to evaluate your activity within 14 days of the activity’s end date Fill out the form even if you did NOT attend the activity ~ it is how the PDP office tracks funds used and not used REMINDER: Remember to claim your PD travel for FLEX credit too!

9 Want to Learn More? Visit our PDP/Flex webpage for additional presentations about Professional Development / FLEX at MCC: MCC – Welcome MCC What is MyFlex? How do I find it? Who can I contact? Recording PDP/Flex Activities in MyFlex PART ONE: Workshops PART TWO: Other Pre-Approved PD Activities Editing Your Transcript Entries in MyFlex Edit a workshop Edit a reflection statement Edit supporting documentation Requesting PDP Funds for Travel (this presentation)

10 Contact Information Please contact the PDP Office with your questions anytime! Kelly Hagen, PDP Coordinator Debby Adler, Administrative Secretary The PDP Office is on the Oceanside Campus ~ Room OC4605 Mail Station 8C Phone: x6498 Visit our Website

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