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The Boltzmann and Jeans equations.

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1 The Boltzmann and Jeans equations.
ASTC22. Lecture L11 The Boltzmann and Jeans equations. The collisionless Boltzmann equation and the Jeans equations


3 Ludwig Boltzmann ( ) (Sir) James H. Jeans ( )


5 The phase-space: space made of configuration space (x,y,z)
and velocity space (vx,vy,vz)

6 Boltzmann equation. It is essentially a conservation equation in phase-space: Df(x,v,t)/Dt = 0

7 Df(x,v,t)/Dt = 0

8 This leads immediately to the usual continuity equation
of fluids. The next step:

9 The Jeans equation: velocity dispersion as “pressure” in stellar systems
Dv/Dt = -grad (potential) - (1/n) grad (pressure) (this is a typical Lagrangian way to write the equations of motion for a fluid with pressure).

10 2 V

11 ~0 Integrate once

12 (read chapter 3 about the results...)
Stars and gas Just gas Just stars

13 Isothermal spheres all have energy E in the Boltzmann factor & velocity dispersion sigma=const.

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