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Mixtures & Solutions Notes and Review.

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1 Mixtures & Solutions Notes and Review

2 Mixtures A mixture is two or more constituents (materials) intermingled or combined, but each material keeps its own properties. The materials in a mixture do not react chemically and do not create any new substances. A mixture can be separated back into its original constituents or materials.

3 Devices & Procedures for separating Mixtures
Strainer Magnet Settling Filter Evaporation

4 Solutions Solutions are a special kind of mixture in which a substance disappears or dissolves in water to make a clear liquid. This is also know as an aqueous solution. Aqueous solutions are usually made by dissolving a solid (the solute) in a liquid (the solvent). A solution can be separated through the process of evaporation.

5 When you mix or combine substances….
Two results can happen: Nothing new is formed which results in a mixture. Something new is formed which results in a compound

6 compounds Two or more substances can be combined to create a new chemical compound. The properties of the original substances do not stay the same in a compound. For example: flour, eggs, and milk can be combined and cooked to make a pancake. Once this occurs, the flour is no longer powdery and white, the eggs are no longer yellow and runny, and the milk is no longer white, and liquid. Instead, a new substance is formed: a pancake, which has completely different properties than the original flour, eggs, and milk.

7 Review questions What is a mixture? What is a solution?
How are mixtures and solutions alike? How are mixtures and solutions different? Which device or procedure would be best for separating a mixture of sand and small pebbles. Explain why you think your answer is correct.

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