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Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises

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1 Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises

2 Cuts, scrapes and bruises
An injury to the soft tissue is a wound A closed wound is a bruise Open wounds are cuts, scrapes, punctures, and avulsions.

3 Avulsion when a piece of skin, soft tissue, or even a body part are torn loose or entirely off.

4 Blood Vessels Bleeding occurs when a blood vessel is broken
Arteries – largest, from the heart to all parts of the body. Blood travels faster and is under more pressure. Is bright red in color Veins – return blood back to the heart. They bled slower and are easier to control. Usually get damaged more often because they are closer to the skin. A dark red color. Capillaries – tiny blood vessels that are found near the skin. Usually bleed from a scrape or shallow cuts. Bleed slow are clot easily. Are the darkest in color

5 Blood Vessels Veins Arteries

6 Punctures are caused by pointed objects and stabbings.
If the object stays in the wound, it is an Impaled object. Leave the object in, unless it is a splinter Punctures usually do not bleed a lot, but they may cause severe infection. Will bleed more in different areas Tetanus shots should be received every 5 – 10 years


8 Dressings and Bandages
A dressing is placed directly on the wound to soak up blood and prevent germs from entering. Example is a gauze pad. A bandage is used to wrap or cover parts of the body. Some are used to cover over the dressings, to apply pressure to control the bleeding, or to splint a body part. Example – band-aids, roller bandage

9 Dressing

10 Bandage

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