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Transportation Performance Management Resources you can Use Susanna Reck FHWA Office of Transportation Performance Management June 2019 Outline: What.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Performance Management Resources you can Use Susanna Reck FHWA Office of Transportation Performance Management June 2019 Outline: What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Performance Management Resources you can Use Susanna Reck FHWA Office of Transportation Performance Management June 2019 Outline: What is TPM? Why is it important? Evolution of Federal-Aid Program New regulations now in place National Goal Areas TPM Elements and Framework Measure areas and data sets How TPM links to Planning/Asset Management TPM Reporting Roles and Responsibilities Support for Implementation Contact Info

2 Why is it Important? Provide link between goals and specific actions
Guide decisions on best use of available resources Evaluate the effectiveness of policies, plans, programs and projects Track system performance over time Communicate results to internal and external audiences Strengthen accountability

3 FHWA Rulemakings TPM-Related Rules Rule Effective Date
Regulatory Chapter Safety Performance Measures (PM1) April 14, 2016 23 CFR 490 (Subpart A & B) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) 23 CFR 924 Statewide and Non-Metropolitan Planning; Metropolitan Planning June 27, 2016 23 CFR 450 Highway Asset Management Plans for NHS October 2, 2017 23 CFR 515 & 667 Pavement and Bridge Condition Measures (PM2) May 20, 2017 (Subpart A, C & D) Performance of the NHS, Freight, and CMAQ Measures (PM3) (Sub. A, E, F, G, H) 6 interrelated rulemakings.

4 23 CFR Part 490 17 Measures Safety (5) – Carried out through HSIP program. Pavement Condition (4) Bridge Condition (2) NHS Travel Time Reliability (2) Freight Movement on the Interstate (1) Traffic Congestion (2) On-Road Mobile Source Emissions (1) Description of the applicability of the measures Data needed to support measures Minimum condition requirements & penalties Pavement and Bridge The three PM rules create the new chapter of 23 CFR, titled Seventeen TPM specific measures were established by FHWA as part of the newly published 23 CFR The measures cover 5 major areas, Safety, condition of pavements and bridges, system performance, freight movement and CMAQ carried out under 4 funding programs.

5 Accountability and Transparency in Performance Management
Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Executive Summary Accountability and Transparency in Performance Management FHWA’s Significant Progress Determinations: Annual assessment of State DOT target achievement Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Safety performance Biennial assessment of State DOT target achievement (every 2 years) Applies to NHPP and NHFP targets only Pavement condition Bridge condition Interstate and non-Interstate NHS Travel Time Reliability measures Freight Reliability measure 23 CFR provides information for how significant progress will be assessed for safety performance targets; 23 CFR provides the approach for how FHWA will make significant progress determination of targets for the National Highway Performance Program and the National Highway Freight Program. FHWA will assess target achievement in every 2 years at the midpoint and at the end of each performance period. FHWA determination only applies to State DOT targets only, and applies only to: the 4 pavement condition measures, the 2 bridge condition measures, the 2 Interstate and non-Interstate NHS Travel Time Reliability measures, and the Freight Reliability measure. For safety measures, the annual State DOT targets will be assessed every year. References: 23 CFR , References: 23 CFR , , ,

6 TPM Framework CMM has 10 components with 26 Subcomponents
1. Strategic Direction 2. Target Setting 3. Performance-Based Planning 4. Performance-Based Programming 5. Monitoring & Assessment 6. Reporting & Communication A. Organization & Culture B. External Collaboration & Coordination C. Data Management D. Data Usability & Analysis The TPM Elements are part of a larger framework, which was developed as a way to visualize the 10 components of TPM. Green are central processes Orange are data-related Gray and blue are supporting/fundamental components Each component is also broken down into subcomponents, which vary in number by component. Reference: TPM Guidebook; CMM has 10 components with 26 Subcomponents

7 A few resources currently available…
TPM Website: Implementation Plan Implementation Timeline PMF Input Fields document Measure & Metric Computation Guides CMAQ Applicability CMAQ Performance Plan Frequently Asked Questions PMF Portal Reporting Guide User Guide Implementation Surveys There is a wealth of information available. I’m going to review these few with you today. I hope that this portion of the presentation ….

8 TPM Website:
Everything we are discussing today, AND MORE, can be found on the TPM website. You can find it by googling “FHWA TPM”. The website it updated continuously, so check it often. There is A LOT of information here. So you do have to use the entire website, and you may have to look at several documents to find what you need.

9 TPM Team Contacts Chris Chang;, 202-366-4657
Vicki Miller; Michael Nesbitt; Bill Bolles; Alexis Kuklenski;

10 Susanna Reck, Office of Stewardship, Oversight & Management Susanna
Susanna Reck, Office of Stewardship, Oversight & Management Here’s my contact information and the link to our website.

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