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Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers

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1 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
2 Corinthians 2:14-17

2 An elder must develop spiritual courage, and confidence in God, who has called him into service

3 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers

4 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a)

5 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) God is Leading you, God is Spreading through you (14)

6 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) God is Leading you, God is Spreading through you (14) Triumph: Col 2:13-15, Eph 3:10, Rom 8:35-37

7 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a)

8 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) All Christian ministry is the procession of one global Triumph

9 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) Effective Now.

10 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) Effective Now. LIFE! MERCY!

11 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) Effective Now. LIFE! DEATH! MERCY! JUDGEMENT!

12 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) Effective Now. LIFE! DEATH! MERCY! JUDGEMENT! 1 Peter 2:6-8

13 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) “a cornerstone chosen and precious” and “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense”

14 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) “a cornerstone chosen and precious” and “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense” He is Leading and Spreading, Always and Everywhere. (14)

15 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) A Rare Competence (16b-17)

16 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) A Rare Competence (16b-17) “not like so many peddlers” 1 John 2:15, 2 Pet 2:18

17 Two Wonders of Insufficient Ministers
A Certain Triumph (14-16a) A Rare Competence (16b-17) “not like so many peddlers” 1 John 2:15, 2 Pet 2:18 As men of sincerity, As commissioned by God, In the sight of God

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