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By John Peng What are you doing for others? Impression of 《 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 》

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Presentation on theme: "By John Peng What are you doing for others? Impression of 《 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 》"— Presentation transcript:

1 By John Peng What are you doing for others? Impression of 《 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 》


3 01 0203 The Relationship Bank Account(RBA) Think Win Win Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood · 3 POINTS

4 OPTION Get in the Habit


6 Deposits vs. Withdrawals X OPTION

7 Do Random Acts of Service Sometime today, do a kind deed anonymously, like taking out the trash, fixing your mom’s laptop, or making someone’s bed. Organize a “positive social media attack.” Get your friends to attack someone via social media with kind words and compliments.

8 Do Small Acts of Kindness Buy a sandwich for a homeless person this week. Handwrite a thank-you note to someone you’ve wanted to thank for a long time. Say You’re Sorry Before you go to bed tonight, write a simple message of apology to someone you may have offended.

9 X OPTION Think Win-Win

10 Win - lose

11 Lose - win

12 Win - win

13 X OPTION How to think Win-Win Competing Comparin g

14 Competing 01 OPTION Let’s use competition as a benchmark to measure ourselves against, but let’s stop competing over boyfriends, girlfriends, status, friends, popularity, attention, and just start enjoying life.

15 02 OPTION Comparing ourselves makes us feel like a wave of the sea tossed to and fro by the wind. We go up and down, feeling inferior one moment and superior the next, confident one moment and intimidated the next. The only good comparison is comparing yourself against your own potential. Life is like a great obstacle course. Each person has their own course, separated from every other course by tall walls. Your course comes complete with customized obstacles designed specifically for your personal growth. So what good does it do to climb the wall to see how well your neighbor is doing or to check out his obstacles in comparison to your own? That’ll just distract you from your own obstacles.

16 Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood X OPTION

17 The Deepest Need of the Human Heart 01 OPTION The deepest need of the human heart is to be understood. Everyone wants to be respected and valued for who they are—a unique, one-of- a-kind, never-to-be-cloned (at least for now) individual. People won’t expose their soft centers unless they feel genuine love and understanding. Once they feel it, however, they will tell you more than you may want to hear.

18 02 OPTION Spacing out Pretend listening Selective listening Word listening Self-centered listening

19 02 OPTION Self-centered listening A sister who needs a listening ear says to her brother: “I hate our new school. Ever since we moved I’m like the biggest outcast. I wish I could find some new friends already.” Instead of listening to understand, the brother reflects upon his own life and says: “No, you need to start meeting new people and get involved in sports and clubs like I did.” Little sister didn’t want any advice from a well- intentioned brother, no matter how good it was. She just wanted to be listened to, for heaven’s sake. Once she felt understood, only then would she be open to his advice. Big brother blew a big chance for a big deposit.

20 Genuine Listening 03 OPTION Ask yourself, “Which of the five poor listening styles do I have the biggest problem with — Spacing Out, Pretend Listening, Selective Listening, Word Listening, or Self-Centered Listening (judging, advising, probing)? Now, try to go one day without doing it. First, listen with your eyes, heart, and ears. PLEASE... HEAR WHAT I’M NOT SAYING. Second, stand in their shoes. Third, practice mirroring.

21 Genuine Listening in Action 03 OPTION First, listen with your eyes, heart, and ears. I didn’t say you had an attitude problem. I didn’t say you had an attitude problem. I didn’t say you had an attitude problem.

22 Genuine Listening in Action 03 OPTION Sister says, “I don’t like our new school at all. Ever since we moved I’ve felt like the biggest outcast. I wish I could find some new friends.” Big bro is smart, he’ll try mirroring : “You feel that school’s kind of tough right now.” (Mirroring) “It’s the worst. I mean I don’t have any friends. And this girl Tabatha has been so rude to me. She is literally like the queen bee in Mean Girls. Oh, I just don’t know what to do.” “Sounds like you feel confused.” (Mirroring) “I mean, yeah! I’ve always been popular and then suddenly no one knows my name. I’ve been trying to get to know people, but it’s not really working.” “I can see you’re frustrated.” (Mirroring) “Yeah. I probably sound like I’m psycho or something. Anyway, thanks for listening.” “No problem.” “What do you think I should do?”

23 RBA Win-Win Understand, Understood Communication


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