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Ectopic sprouting and proliferation in Rbpj veins.

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1 Ectopic sprouting and proliferation in Rbpj veins.
Ectopic sprouting and proliferation in Rbpj veins. (A) Maximum intensity projections of P28 RbpjiΔEC mutant and control vein regions stained with Isolectin B4 (green) and for the tip cell marker Esm1 (red). Proliferating cells were labeled with EdU (blue). Note EdU+ nuclei in the enlarged RbpjiΔEC mutant but not control veins (arrowheads) and the abundance of Esm1-expressing cells in the mutant perivenous plexus (arrows). (B) Analysis of EdU incorporation (proliferation) and Esm1 immunostaining in control and mutant vessels. The Esm1 immunostaining intensity in P28 veins was below the background of the surrounding tissue. P-values by Student’s t-test. Error bars indicate s.e.m. Manuel Ehling et al. Development 2013;140: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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