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childOf Children motherOf parentOf Persons Mother fatherOf

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1 childOf Children motherOf parentOf Persons Mother fatherOf
childOfMother childOfFather class Person { attribute string name; relationship Person motherOf inverse Person::childOfMother; relationship Person childOfMother inverse Person::motherOf; relationship Person fatherOf inverse Person::childOfFather; relationship Person childOfFather inverse Person::fatherOf; relationship Person parentOf inverse Person::childOf; relationship Person childOf inverse Person::parentOf; } The reason for the six relationships: when we have a relationship R between C and D, the ODL declaration for C and D – each will contain one relationship describing the role of R with respect to C and D. In this case, C and D are “Person” – thus, for each relationship we need two in the class definition. Looking at relationship with roles (even when the C is different from D) makes it easier to specify the constraints.

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