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Globalization 2.0 Trade war rising.

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1 Globalization 2.0 Trade war rising

2 Pros of Globalization Productivity grows more quickly when countries produce goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. Living standards can go up faster. Global competition and cheap imports keep a lid on prices,so inflation is less likely to derail economic growth. An open economy spurs innovation with fresh ideas from abroad. Accelerated the development and innovation of technology and communication

3 Cons of Globalization Millions of westerns have lost jobs due to imports or production shifts abroad. Most find new jobs that pay less. Millions of others fear losing their jobs, especially at those companies operating under competitive pressure. Workers face pay-cut demands from employers, which often threaten to export jobs. Service and white-collar jobs are increasingly vulnerable to operations moving offshore. western employees can lose their comparative advantage when companies build advanced factories in low-wage countries, making them as productive as those at home.

4 Other faces of Globalization
Globalization= Imperialism Globalization = Americanization Globalization = Delocalization Globalization = Multinational corporations Globalization = Branding Globalization = the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer

5 What is anti-globalization?
The political attitude of people and organizations that resist certain aspects of globalization. social movements - participants are united in opposition to the political power of large corporations Self-consciously internationalist, organizing globally an advocating for the cause of oppressed people around the world

6 J18 June 18, 1999London, UK; Eugene, Oregon
Seattle/N30 , November 30, 1999 5,000 protesters blocked delegates’ entrance to WTO meetings in Seattle. Protesters forced the cancellation of the opening ceremony and lasted the length of the meeting until December 3 Genoa, July 18 – July 20, 2001 Biggest anti-globalization gathering in history, 250,000 protesters against the G8 meeting in Genoa, Italy, 3 dead, hundreds hospitalized

7 Causes of Anti-globalization Movement
Globalization globalizes money and corporations, but not people and unions Outsourcing and offshoring caused millions of westerns lost jobs or paid less Fear losing jobs in western countries Exploitation of the resources in the developing countries by western countries

8 Why anti-globalization? (cont’d)
Economical Exploitation of the resources in the third world country Example of Starbucks Vs. Ethiopian Coffee Ethiopians demand Starbuck’s support to trademark 3 of its coffees in US $4, a cup of Cappuccino at Starbucks; $.50, a day income of the Ethiopian farmer at the coffee farm

9 Why anti-globalization? (cont’d)
Cultural Local or minority culture are facing the fate of disappearing Western culture invaded into developing countries Example: McDonalds More than 100 countries 30,000 restaurants Serves 50 million people daily

10 Why anti-globalization? (cont’d)
Environmental Aggravated pollution, Global warming, losses in biodiversity and species extinction Average global temperatures are estimated to rise centigrade (33.8 – 38.5 degrees) by 2050 Developed industrial countries export hazardous waste to third world countries Example: one global agribusiness firm closed a terminal in Brazil's Amazon region for environmentalists

11 Why anti-globalization? (cont’d)
Human rights More and more strict immigration restrictions in developed countries, no free move for labors In sweatshops in developing countries, harsh working conditions, low pay and overtime working are common Example: Workers at a Nike contract factory in Hansae, Vietnam, suffered wage theft and verbal abuse, and labored for hours in temperatures well over the legal limit of 90 degrees, to the point that they would collapse at their sewing machines.

12 Why anti-globalization? (cont’d)
Women and children India The traditional role of women in agriculture,livestock and animal husbandry, Khadi and village industries including handicrafts, handlooms fisheries, etc, is being undermined because mechanization and automation. Village based traditional economy is affected. Bangladesh Two-thirds of girls from slum areas who were working full-time were employed in Bangladesh’s $30bn (£24bn) clothes manufacturing industry, which is one of the world’s largest despite an extremely poor safety record.

13 Why anti-globalization? (cont’d)
Social The unequal wealth distribution worldwide The gap between the developed countries and the third world countries The gap between the poor and rich

14 Globalization impact to impacts to US jobs

15 Globalization might be harmful to Developed Countries in the future
China is striving to create global automobile and electronics brands. India’s skill-intensive service sectors like IT and outsourcing are rising very fast. Western firms would face unprecedented competition from the two and other developing countries.

16 Verdict Anti-globalization movements are the indication of self-protection. Globalization already resulted in many adverse effects and made a portion of people worse-off. Globalization makes highly liberalized countries expose their vulnerabilities to the rest of the world.

17 America’s response President Trump’s “America First” policy
Trade War with China

18 US-China Trade War Activity 1::
Make a timeline for the origins of the US-China trade war

19 US-China Trade War Activity 2:
What is the impact of US’s trade war with China? Use the template provided to rank who is most affected by the trade war.

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