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SA&S-Fortnightly Status Report – Overview Period Ending 21 Feb 2018

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1 SA&S-Fortnightly Status Report – Overview Period Ending 21 Feb 2018
Deliverables this period MyEd Portal: Evaluation of the ContactDetails deployed to Live to 500 students in progress. 89 students have used the new process so far. WSA : TOM Blueprint and Business Case final drafts completed this week, for submission to Board on 1/3. SCEC: TOM Blueprint & Business Case in progress for 9th Apr Board. System iteration in progress. Exam Timetabling: Exam team is testing workarounds to system bugs Tier 4 :  Biometric functionality gone live, no further development pending SEAM scope change approval. Policy: n/a. Project being suspended. Work is now in progress across the SEP Programmes . TOM: Priority of work for WSA, Immigration for next Board (9 Mar), then SCEC & Timetabling for 10th Apr Board Current Status Previous Status A R Student portal SAS002 Special Circumstances (SCEC) SAS003 Exam Timetabling (ET) SAS005 Policy SAS007 Tier4 SAS008 Target Operating Model Management and Control Engagement Delivery Planning Resource RAID Costs & Benefits Stakeholders Communications A R G -TOM blueprints and full business cases for WSA and Immigration are on schedule to be completed this week for final review, then sent to SA&S Board -Exam timetabling: system showstopper identified. Exam team testing business workaround -HR and Change Management resources required for SCEC and WSA (risks raised) -BA and Implementation resources required for the WSA TOM implementation (risk raised) -SCEC Implementation resource (issue raised) Risks and Issues are now reported on the project website Benefit realisation plan addressed in Business Cases. Benefit Log being updated by PMO Further engagements with students (Immigration, WSA vis student survey, and MyEd as part of pilot) Change management session scheduled for Immigration. Being done through projects/workshops, programme lead 1:1 and SEP newsletter.

2 SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Risks -Period Ending 21 Feb 2018
Consequences Inherent Impact Residual Impact Residual Prob’ty/ Uncert’y Risk Level Risk Mvt since last mth Current & Management Processes and Mitigating Activities and Future Developments Senior Managerial Responsibility For escalation There is a risk there are no Change Management resources in the PMO to support the HR activity required (week 0)  to consult with SCEC and WSA staff (assuming Taylor Clark is lleading on Immigration as a pilot) Plan is to have two sets of Change Management sessions with staff -Step1- leaders training- give skills to support their staff-how to interact with change agents -Step2 -staff . hope and fear to change 4 5 20 u PMO to recruit Change Management expertise at SEP level that SAS can use (approved at SEP Board mid Jan). Project will identify key stakeholders roles as part of full business case engagement. This will be used for identifying names for consultation. Sally Priestley There is a risk there are no HR resources in the PMO to support the HR activity required (starting at week -5) for SCEC and WSA projects Delay the HR announcement Secure HR resources (PMO) to work closely with SAS project teams (approved at SEP Board mid Jan). Update Recruitment of HR advisor took place on 20th Feb. Secured existing HR advisor from this week -1d a week to work- on WSA HR activities (week -5 activities) prior to new advisor being in place. Barry Neilson

3 SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Risks -Period Ending 21 Feb 2018
Consequences Inherent Impact Residual Impact Residual Prob’ty/ Uncert’y Risk Level Risk Mvt since last mth Current & Management Processes and Mitigating Activities and Future Developments Senior Managerial Responsibility For information SCEC- There is a risk that proposed changes to the Target Operating Model (TOM) processes for special circumstances and extensions would require system changes  May lead to an increase in the cost of the development effort and impact the timescales for delivery. Options: Stop next iteration until there is clarity from the business Plan other work 4 5 20 u Involve Shirley McCulloch in the work being undertaken so that the impact of any proposed changes is understood and evaluated against the development work underway Identify the elements of the system that are likely to be affected and ensure that work is not started on these until the requirements are finalised. This may mean modifying the iteration plan where required to achieve this. Where development  work on is already in progress on any of the impacted system elements,  make changes  to the requirements specification to accommodate the changes if possible. If this is not feasible then stop further development work on the affected elements and document the requirements before re-starting the work.   Update: There is another 6 week of development work identified that are being done now (next sprint and bugs fixing/rework) Neil McGillivray There is a risk that future projects may not have access to student systems BA or Implementation expertise. The risk is higher as the business cases for WSA is articulating the significant effort required rom both BA & Implementation to complete the standard operating procedures. This will impact on the start of the WSA implementation Analysis of data and process is not completed for PGR and Programme and Course Information and publishing 16 SAS resource demand is being fed into the overall Student Systems resource planning for approval by Programme Sponsor. Engaging with SRA and IS (end of life of degree finder) for the Programme/Course PCIM work. Lisa Dawson Franck Bergeret

4 SA&S Fortnightly Status Report - Programme Issues-Period Ending 21 Feb 2018
Green - Low Not currently impacting the project A Amber - Medium Resolution in hand and is being managed within the Programme R Red – High Immediate escalation is required Issue Description. There is an issue that… Severity Score (RAG) Issue resolution Senior Managerial Responsibility For escalation to programme SCEC- Student Systems Service Improvement resource is not available to work on the development of the training and guidance material and delivery of the training and the provision of implementation support. The lack of the required Service Improvement resource would mean that: The training and UAT cannot start in March as per the project. Guidance and training material cannot be developed. Project cannot deliver the necessary training and provision of adequate implementation go-live support. High This has been escalated to Lisa/Kirstie. Update: BA and Implementation resource from SSP are planning the activities and resources/effort required to support the project Jaffar Hamoudi (PM)

5 RAG Guidance Criteria Red Amber Green
Delivery Key deliverables at risk Some risks around delivery On track for delivery Planning No detailed plan Detailed plan in place. Gaps around benefit/key deliverables. Not fully up to date. Covers less than 6 weeks. Detailed, current plan in place covering the next 6 weeks. Resource Significant skills or resource gaps Some gaps All resource in place and trained. RAID No documented risks and issues. Defined process and roles. Clearly defined escalation routes. Risks and issues log actively maintained and reviewed by project team. Costs & benefits Very limited benefit identification/ limited understanding of costs Some gaps in information. Costs fully broken down and information accessible. Benefits documented and logged in register. Stakeholder engagement Very limited identification. No documented plan. Some ad hoc identification of stakeholders. Incomplete plan. Not approved by sponsor. Stakeholder, interest and needs systematically identified. Plan for engaging in place and approved by sponsor. Communications Little current information on website; stakeholders not informed of status Some ad hoc communication. Some information on website Website updated for last completed stage. Stakeholders informed and aware of nest stage plans. Key messages available for last stage. A programme will be assumed to be green initially. It may be red/amber status if 2/8 elements are red or amber. A project is likely to be red/amber if 3 or more elements are that colour. A project is red/amber if 4 or more elements are that colour.

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