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Setdb1 has cell-intrinsic functions in B cell development.

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1 Setdb1 has cell-intrinsic functions in B cell development.
Setdb1 has cell-intrinsic functions in B cell development. (A) The bone marrow transplantation strategy (top). Representative FACS plots showing the relative contribution to the B cell lineage of wild-type versus control or Setdb1Mb1 donor bone marrow. The bar chart shows the quantification (n=3) of splenic B-cells (B220+ CD19+) in recipient mice as the ratio between control (con) or Setdb1Mb1 (ko) and wild type (wt). (B) Colony formation assay in MethoCult M3630 to support B-cell colony formation. Shown is the average colony number of three independent experiments with control and Setdb1Mb1 bone marrow cells (n=3). (C) Representative FACS analysis of differentiated B cells (CD43+ B220+) after 8 days of OP9 co-culture in the presence of IL7. Bar chart shows quantification of three independent experiments for HardyFr. B (B220+ CD43+ HSA+ BP-1−) and Fr. C (B220+ CD43+ HSA+ BP-1+) B cells. (A-C) *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 (unpaired two-tailed Student's t-test). Alessandra Pasquarella et al. Development 2016;143: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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