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Iambic Pentameter and Sonnets

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1 Iambic Pentameter and Sonnets

2 Shakespeare and Sonnets
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets in addition to his plays. He even added sonnets into his plays. Romeo and Juliet prologue When Romeo and Juliet first meet.

3 Iambic Pentameter A sound pattern
Kept things moving in the play (like a drum beat) Made the words & play more interesting Helped the actors remember their lines (like a song)

4 Iambic IAM: one unaccented (or unstressed) syllable with one accented syllable Each IAM of two syllables is called a foot It’s like a heartbeat: ba-bum | ba-bum | ba-bum | ba-bum | ba-bum I AM | I AM | I AM | I AM | I AM

5 Pentameter Penta = 5, Meter = sound Iambic Pentameter
Five “feet” per line Ten syllables total per line he WENT to TOWN toDAY to BUY a CAR In SOOTH / I KNOW / not WHY / I AM / so SAD

6 Iambic Pentameter I saw the goat behind the open fence.
I saw the behind of the hungry goat! Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

7 ~ The Basics of a Sonnet ~
-A Sonnet Contains 14 lines -A Sonnet is Written in Iambic Pentameter -Various Rhyme Schemes – But we are Studying Shakespearean Sonnets!

8 -Shakespearean Rhyme Scheme-
Understanding the Quatrains of a Sonnet: A B A B C D C D E F E F G G > 1st Quatrain: Establishes the subject, main theme, or main metaphor of the sonnet. > 2nd Quatrain: Develops the sonnet’s theme. Extends the metaphor. > 3rd Quatrain: Often contains a turn or twist called a volta, introduced with the word “but.” > 4th Quatrain: Rhymed couplet. Conclusion to the sonnet.

9 GOAL/OBJECTIVE Recognize the characteristics of Shakespearean sonnet in writing and verbally. Compose the first four lines of a Shakespearean sonnet.

10 What are the characteristics of a Shakespearean sonnet?
14 lines 3 quatrains (4 lines each) 1 couplet (2 lines) Follows the same rhyme scheme: ABABCDCDEFEFGG Each line is written in iambic pentameter Each line consists of 10 syllables. The syllables are divided into five pairs called iambs. An iamb= unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable

11 Examples of iambic pentameter?
baBOOM/ baBOOM/ baBOOM/ baBOOM/ baBOOM How many syllables? Pattern?

12 Examples of Iambic Pentameter
When I / do COUNT/ the CLOCK/ that TELLS/ the TIME When IN/ dis GRACE/ with FOR/ tune AND / men’s EYES How many syllables per line? Pattern?

13 How many syllables per line? Pattern
10 Pattern Unstressed stressed

14 Romeo and Juliet Prologue
Two households, both alike in dignity, A In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, B From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, A Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. B From forth the fatal loins of these two foes C A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; D Whose misadventured piteous overthrows C Do with their death bury their parents' strife. D The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, E And the continuance of their parents' rage, F Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, E Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; F The which if you with patient ears attend, G What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. G

15 Shakespearean Sonnet 1. 14 lines 2. Rhyme scheme: ABABCDCDEFEFGG 3. Iambic pentameter- 10 syllables per line (unstressed stressed)

16 Romeo and Juliet Prologue
Divide the sonnet into syllables and label its rhyme scheme.

17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Two house holds both a like in dig ni ty A In
Rhyme Scheme Two house holds both a like in dig ni ty A In fair ve ro na where we lay our scene B

18 Now you try it!! Using the rhyme scheme and form of a Shakespearean sonnet, write your own sonnet about new love, lost love, a beautiful day, a terrible day, or anything you wish (as long as it is appropriate). Use grid to write your sonnet. Use a pencil. If you cannot come up with a topic, I will assign one.

19 Example Topic= Friends On a bright sun ny day I met friend re call the
like It was to knew we would be friends un til end miss you lot since went way

20 Reflection/Summary Recognize the characteristics of Shakespearean sonnet in writing and verbally. Compose the first four lines of a Shakespearean sonnet. Something that is becoming clear to me about the Shakespearean sonnet…..

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