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PfSec13 is a structural homolog of ScSec13·Nup145C.

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1 PfSec13 is a structural homolog of ScSec13·Nup145C.
PfSec13 is a structural homolog of ScSec13·Nup145C. (A) Structure-based sequence alignment of PfSec13 with ScSec13 and Nup145C. Residue numbering for PfSec13 is on top of the alignment. Secondary structural elements of ScSec13 are shown below the alignment. The β-propeller forming domain is indicated by the black box and the homology to Nup145C in the green box. Insertions specific to PfSec13 are labeled as I1–I3. Strictly conserved residues are highlighted by red shading. Homologous residues are highlighted in red text. (B) Overlay of the PfSec13 in silico model (purple) with crystal structure of ScSec13 (yellow; PDB code 3JRO) and Nup145c (green; PDB code 3JRO). The crystal structure of Nup84 is indicated in red (PDB code 3JRO). Noa Dahan-Pasternak et al. J Cell Sci 2013;126: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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