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The New Nation Grows Quickly

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1 The New Nation Grows Quickly
US History Chapter 6 The New Nation Grows Quickly

2 Section 1 The Electoral College is a group of people selected to vote for the President. The runner-up was the Vice President. b. each person in the College is called an elector. In 1800 a tie occurred in the voting. The House of Representatives voted 35 times and finally a winner was selected. Jefferson won.


4 Section 1 – The Louisiana Purchase
In 1801 France wanted money to help its army fight wars in Europe. The ruler of France, Napoleon, agreed to sell its territory west of the Mississippi River. The cost was $15 million. In 1804 Jefferson sent Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark on a expedition to map and bring back samples of the Louisiana Territory. Lewis and Clark traveled to the West Coast (in present-day Oregon) from St. Louis. It took them 2 years.

5 Section1 During Jefferson’s time in power Great Britain and France were fighting each other. the British would force American sailors to serve on British warships. Jefferson ordered an embargo on all goods from France and Great Britain. In Canada, the British soon gave weapons to the Native Americans and had them attack Western parts of the US.

6 Section 1 War of 1812 On June 18, 1812 the US declared war on Great Britain. This war would be called the War of 1812. There was no real winner or loser from this war. Great Britain became weaker because of the war The US gained new respect around the world because of this war. Nationalism war created in the US. (pride in one’s country)

7 Most of the War of 1812 happened in the Midwest and Maryland.

8 The original Star-Spangled Banner, the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the song that would become our national anthem, is among the most treasured artifacts in the collections of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

9 Section 1 President Monroe
In 1816, with James Monroe as President the US acquired Florida from Spain The Monroe Doctrine is a set of beliefs that state that European countries should be out of the Americas. The Doctrine was given during a speech the US should protect the freedom of countries on the American continent warned Europe not to start new colonies, try to get back old ones, or enlarge any still there. Promised that the US would stay out of Europe’s problems

10 President Monroe

11 Section 2 The Industrial Revolution changed were goods were produced.
Before goods and products were produced in small shops and by hand. After they were produced in large factories and by machines Most of these factories were located in the Northern US The 1st industry to grow was the textile or woven cloth industry in Lowell, MA. Most of the workers were young girls who grew up on farms. The working conditions were very poor

12 Section 3 In the South the demand for crops had gone down. The demand for cotton had increased greatly. removing the seeds from the cotton was a long a difficult process Eli Whitney, a northerner, invented the cotton gin. This was a machine that took out the seeds in cotton.

13 Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin

14 Section 3 With the need for more cotton, more slaves were brought into the South. In 1800 about 900,000 African-Americans were slaves in the US. Slaves in the South worked many jobs such as blacksmiths, servants, maids, carpenters, painters and child-care workers. Most slaves worked long, hard days.

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