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Eiko Nemitz Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) United Kingdom

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1 Eiko Nemitz Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) United Kingdom
Update from the AMS Measurements during the EMEP / EUCAARI Intensive Measurement Periods Eiko Nemitz Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) United Kingdom

2 EMEP / EUCAARI Intensive Measurement Campaigns 2008/09
May 2008 (EUCAARI Lagrangian, aircraft) 1 to 31 May 2008 Sep/Oct 2008 (EMEP / EUCAARI) 17 Sep to 16 Oct 2008 Feb/Mar 2009 (EMEP / EUCAARI) 25 Feb to 26 Mar 2009

3 The Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (Q-AMS)
Particle Beam Particle Aerodynamic Sizing Generation Composition Thermal Vaporization & Electron Impact Ionization The particles enter the AMS and are focused by an aerodynamic lens into a tight beam (<1 mm diameter). In the size range nm we get 100% of the particles transmitted from the inlet to the detector. The chopper wheel defines the beginning of a time-of-flight period. Smaller particles move faster, so when a packet travels from chopper to detector, the smallest ones arrive first. The detector consists of a 600 degree C oven that flash vaporizes the particles. The oven is located inside the ionizer region of a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Most of the gas phase molecules are lost in the first chamber of the AMS, so what reaches the ionizer is almost exclusively material that was in the particle phase. Can use single ion monitoring mode to get quantitative information about single particles, or scan the quadrupole to get complete MS of average particles. Jayne et al., Aerosol Science Technology 33:1-2(49-70), 2000.

4 The Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
Quantitative measurement (verify collection efficiency) Concentration & size distribution But, limitations: Measurement of sub-micron aerosol ( nm) Thermal vapourisation at 600°C: non-refractory aerosol only Good for: NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl, organic aerosol Does not measure: sea salt, crustal material, HULIS Ionisation: Thermal vapourisation, followed by electron impact ionisation (70 eV) Less fragmentation than laser ionisation More fragmentation than chemical ionisation Quantitative organic aerosol monitor with chance to recover some information on the nature of the organic aerosol components

5 Aerosol Components


7 Real-Time Sites Site May 08 Sep/Oct 08 Feb/Mar 09 Auchencorth/Bush UK
IC Q-AMS/IC Harwell HR-AMS/IC Hyytiala FI C-AMS C-AMS/NH3 Puijo Q-AMS Vavihill SE HR-AMS Cabauw NL Melpitz DE Payerne CH Q-AMS/NH3 Jungfraujoch Mace Head IR Puy de Dome FR Ispra IT San Pietro Finokalia GR K-Puszta HU Montseny ES

8 Sites of AMS Measurements during 2008/09 EMEP/EUCAARI Campaigns

9 Concentrations May 2008 Note: All data are preliminary at this stage!

10 Concentrations Sep/Oct 2008

11 Average NR PM1 Concentrations

12 Average Relative NR PM1 Composition

13 Sulphate

14 Nitrate

15 Organics

16 Average Diurnal Cycles - Nitrate

17 Average Diurnal Cycles - Organics

18 NH4Cl vs NH4NO3

19 Analysis Steps Analysis Meetings
May 2009: PSI October 2009: Univ. Lund Submission of bulk time-series to EBAS 2008 data now Feb/Mar 2009 data by Sept. Analysis & papers (EMEP ACP Special Issue?) Bulk concentrations Organic analysis (PMF, elemental analysis  H/C/O/N) Size distribution Integration with EMEP daily measurements Submission of organic components (HOA, OOA) to EBAS

20 Identification of Organic Aerosol Classes by Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF)

21 High Resolution Mass Spectral Analysis
(Only for HR-ToF-AMS instruments) Time series of C, H, N, O in organic aerosol O/C and N/C ratios OM/OC ratio

22 AMS Size Distribution at CEH EMEP (Bush)

23 Achievements Largest database of synchronised AMS measurements
Measured & analysed in a consistent way Collaboration between EMEP ‘monitoring’ and EUCAARI ‘research’ community EMEP Intensive Measurement Periods have been highly successful in producing data for model validation of aerosol components at European scale  Can we achieve this again on another topic for next IMPs?

24 Limitations Only few measurements of gas-phase precursor concentrations (NH3, HNO3, SO2, …): Cabauw, Auchencorth, Harwell, Ispra (no AMS), Montseny Only few measurements of simultaneous course-mode NO3- measurements: Cabauw, Auchencorth, Harwell

25 Possible Topics for Next Intensive Measurement Periods
Intensive (daily – hourly) heavy metal measurements Detailed organic aerosol characterisation + VOC precursor concentrations (e.g. PTR-MS) Characterisation of concentrations at edge of EMEP domain, incl. vertical gradients Should look for opportunistic synergies with European research projects Needs sufficient preparation time, especially if ‘research’ community is to be involved

26 Thanks to all Participants!
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology: Chiara Di Marco, Gavin Phillips, Rick Thomas Paul Scherrer Institute: Andre Prevot, Peter De Carlo, Claudia Mohr Univ. Clermont-Ferrand: Karine Sellegri Univ. Kuopio: Petri Tiitta, Tomi Raatikainen Institute for Tropospheric Research: Laurent Poulain Juelich Research Centre: Mensah, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr Univ. Gallway: Manuel Dall’Osto, Colin O’Dowd Univ. Manchester: James Allan, Hugh Coe Univ. Lund: Axel Eriksson, Erik Swietlicki Univ. Colorado: Jose Jimenez, Donna Sueper Aerodyne Research Inc.: Doug Worsnop, Sally Ng Carnegie Mellon Univ.: Lea Hildebrand, Spyros Pandis

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