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New Century Middle School

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1 New Century Middle School
May-June Events 2019

2 Rising 6th grade Day! May 2 Rising 6th graders will visit from 9:30-11:30 at New Century. They will tour the school and have an encore showcase. Parents will come to New Century from 6:00-7:00 pm for an important parents’ meeting in the multipurpose room.

3 8th grade Luau May pm Students who have OSS between April 23-May 28 are not eligible. Students who owe fees/cafeteria/chromebook in excess of $50 are not eligible if not paid by May 3. Students who are failing one or more core classes for 4th quarter as of May 1 are not eligible.

4 Athletic Awards Assembly May 23rd 6:00
Invitations will go home with athletes

5 PBIS Rewards Day May 24th

6 Memorial Day Holiday May 27th
School and the office will be closed.

7 Field Day/8th grade picnic May 28th
Students who have OSS between April 23-May 28 are not eligible. Students who owe fees/cafeteria/chromebook in excess of $50 are not eligible if not paid by May 24th. Students who are failing one or more core classes for 4th quarter as of May 26th are not eligible.

8 Academic Awards Ceremony May 28th 6:00
Invitations will be sent with individual students.

9 EOG Testing Dates May 30, 31, June 3, 4 Make up Testing: June 4th-7th

10 8th grade Celebration-Thursday, June 6 at 9:00
Parents may arrive at 8:00am and park on the grassy field across from the tennis courts. Parents will bring their own seating (or some folding chairs will be available) and students will join their parents at 9:00 Rain Date: June 7 at 9:00

11 Program For Celebration
Students will walk onto the football field and sit with their families. We will have two student speakers and give out our Centurion awards. Students, staff and their families will enjoy a picnic including games, social time, yearbook signing opportunities and hotdogs/chips/drink. Students will receive their end of year packets including their promotion certificate, test scores (except Math) and report card.

12 Eligibility for Celebration
Students who owe fees/cafeteria/chromebook in excess of $50 are not eligible if not paid by June 3rd. Students who are failing one or more classes for are not eligible for 8th grade Celebration and will be required at attend the summer transition program in order to be promoted to 9th grade.

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