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30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond

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1 30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond
Give a brief 1-2 minute introduction of your self Explain why how you were introduced to Arbonne Explain why you are excited about the 30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond program

2 What to Expect from the Program?
What It Is: Guided Lifestyle Change Education Mindset Change What It Is Not: Fad Diet Counting Calories Weight Loss Program Just lose weight, eat less, exercise more Medicate (there is a pill for everything) Treat symptoms rather than identifying the problem This is NOT a fad diet or a rapid weight loss program. Common thinking is if you lose weight you will get healthy; but in reality, if you get healthy, the weight will take care of itself. The program will reveal foods that are sabotaging your health. We will re-program your body to efficiently remove toxins, reset your metabolism, reduce food cravings and renew your skin! There are no “points” or counting calories, fat grams, etc.

3 What to Expect from the Program?
- 30 days that will jump start a healthier you. Our hope is that this becomes a lifestyle change of health and wellness for you and your family. We will provide daily support through your coach, a private Facebook Support Group, accountability, encouragement, education, weekly meal plans, shopping lists and so much more! Light exercise is suggested but not required. You CAN NOT out exercise a bad diet. We will teach you: How to eat clean (No, its NOT boring!) What foods to remove for the next 30 days that may be causing negative effects on your body and WHY How to increase your nutritional intake How to balance your blood sugar How to support your elimination organs and effectively remove toxins from your body How to re-incorporate foods back into your diet AFTER the 30 days is completed to see if you have intolerances. Coaching - Weekly Meal Plans Support Group Shopping Lists Education - So Much More!

4 What’s Going on with Our Health?
More than 2 out of 3 adults and more than 1 out of 3 children are considered overweight or obese Obesity related disease is the leading cause of death Auto-immune diseases are skyrocketing Do you or a loved one suffer from: High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Diabetes Cancer Depression Auto-immune Disease Neurological Disease Obesity statistics:

5 What’s the Problem? TOO MUCH SUGAR!
70% of the Western diet is made up of dead, processed foods In North America, over 80% of our food contains GMOs Meat, dairy and poultry are LOADED with hormones, antibiotics and fillers We are filling our bodies with genetically modified “Franken foods” full of chemicals and preservatives We are OVERFED and UNDERNOURISHED! GMO information: - GMOs - Genetically Modified Organisms are plants that have been changed on a molecular level to withstand pesticides and herbicides that are sprayed on our crops. The problem is if you CHANGE our food it is no longer the same and our bodies don’t know how to process it anymore, and instead of being nutritious it is now a toxic to our bodies.

6 Toxins are anything that can’t be used as energy in the body
What Are Toxins? Toxins are anything that can’t be used as energy in the body A toxin is anything your body can not use as energy Toxins can come from your food, environment, skincare, haircare etc. Virtually anything you put in or on your body, if it is not helping your body, it is harming it. Is the food you are eating fueling or poisoning your body?

7 What You Put on Your Skin
You are a Product of your Environment What You Eat What You Breathe What You Put on Your Skin

8 Reduce Toxins Personal care, skincare and makeup can be a significant source of toxins, containing hormone disrupting chemicals; some of which may even encourage cancer growth. Arbonne skincare is toxin free and it actually works. RE9 Advanced is our #1 selling premium Anti-Aging skincare line It’s safe AND effective! The skin is the largest organ of the body, yet the most neglected. An interesting fact: the natural aging process is only responsible for 10% of the damage to our skin. The food we eat, the sun and the skin care products we use are responsible for the other 90% of the damage. Our RE9 Advanced Anti-Aging Skincare Line outperformed the top department store and direct sales brand. Genius Resurfacing Pads have plant-based Retin-A which helps skin tone, texture, pigmentation and fine lines. Both designed to prevent and repair this damage, all while being Pure, Safe, and Beneficial. You will see a difference and your skin will be glowing!

9 Detoxing is Essential for Healthy Weight Loss
Eat Clean: No pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical or artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors Cleanse the liver and elimination organs Identify allergenic and addictive foods that are sabotaging your health Restart your body’s metabolic thermostat Reduce food cravings by stabilizing blood sugar This program is going to do the following: It is going to teach you how to make good food choices It will help to cleanse your elimination organs Identify foods that are not serving your body Help jumpstart your metabolism Help regulate your blood sugar… (Use the roller coaster analogy if you want for explaining how dieting works)

10 Are You Experiencing the Following?
Do You Need To Detox? Are You Experiencing the Following? Low energy Brain fog or frequent headaches Sugar cravings Constipation Bloated or gassy after meals Indigestion or acid reflux Can’t function without coffee Aches, pains or stiffness Difficulty losing weight Taking prescription meds Food allergies or skin problems Consuming fast foods or processed foods regularly Consuming regular or diet sodas

11 Bathtub Analogy Toxic Body Non-Toxic Body
We plateau in traditional weight loss programs because we don’t eliminate the toxic influx. The faucet is on and is bringing toxins in the body. If the drain is clogged, the tub will gradually fill up and spill over the sides (i.e., muffin top). Then we grab a mop (prescriptions) to clean up the mess! What we do in our detox is turn down the faucet by taking in less toxins, and we unclog the drain so everything is flowing smoothly. Elimination organs are functioning at a reduced capacity Your body has toxic overload Elimination organs are functioning at optimal capacity Your body has minimal toxins

12 Clean Eating Whole Foods Man-Made Foods Foods from the Earth
Grass-Fed Diet GMO Free Antibiotic Free Hormone Free Man-Made Foods Highly Processed and Fast Foods Grain-Fed Diet GMO Diet Antibiotic Laced Hormone Laced Focus on eating REAL food žGrass-fed beef, without hormones or antibiotics. Free-range chicken or turkey that are not fed grains, hormones, antibiotics, etc. Cage-free eggs. Wild caught fish, i.e. salmon. Organic fruits and vegetables. Healthy complex carbohydrates, i.e. brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes. Healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, almond butter, etc.

13 ~ Dr. Nicholas Perricone
Eliminate Inflammatory Foods Inflammation Anti-Inflammation Inflammation is at the basis of virtually every disease process such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and wrinkled skin. ~ Dr. Nicholas Perricone Pesticide Free Hormone Free Antibiotic Free Saturated Fat Free Trans Fat Free Dairy Free Gluten Free Refined Sugar Free Artificial Flavors Free Artificial Sweeteners Free Many of the common foods we eat have negative effects on our body and we chalk it up to “normal”. žDid you know that foods you eat can cause drainage, stuffy nose, allergies, bloating, gas? The foods you crave mostly likely are the ones that have the most negative effect on you. No artificial flavors or sweeteners - Aspartame is a poison and has been linked to over 90 medical conditions including memory loss, headaches, fibromyalgia, MS, joint pain, Parkinson's, chronic fatigue etc. No white foods - no white potatoes, white rice, white flour, white sugar, etc.

14 Eliminate Acidic Foods
Acidic foods lead to inflammation! Most diseases are born out of an acidic environment Many acidic foods are High Fat High Carbs Processed Fast Food Alkaline Foods Alkaline foods are anti-inflammatory! Alkaline foods starve the disease process Many alkaline foods are Fruits Vegetables Almonds When you eat clean, you correct your pH. žAll food is either alkaline or acidic forming. If your body is more acidic, you are more prone to diseases, illnesses, bacteria & viruses Everything you put IN your mouth is filtered through your liver and everything you put ON your skin is absorbed into the bloodstream within 26 seconds and filtered through the liver as well. Your skin care/personal care products are just as important as what you eat! What are you putting on your skin? Arbonne’s products correct the pH inside and outside – Integrated Anti-Aging!

15 Pure ~ Safe ~ Beneficial
Arbonne - Beautiful Tree Arbonne is a health and wellness company founded 35 years ago with a Swiss heritage. We currently operate in the USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and Poland. Our products are manufactured in the United States; however, we follow the stringent European Standards for manufacturing. What makes Arbonne unique? Gluten Free 100% Vegan Certified Dairy & Soy Free No Artificial Sweeteners or Colors PABA and Paraben Free No Synthetic Dyes All of Arbonne’s products are Pure, Safe & Beneficial. They are all alkaline forming, pH correct, low glycemic certified (safe for diabetics), vegan certified, and our standard exceed those of the FDA. Arbonne Essentials products are formulated without animal products/byproducts, dairy, gluten, soy, GMO’s, cholesterol, trans fats, artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. žYou’ll see that our products support a busy lifestyle and are less expensive than grocery shopping or eating out! Pure ~ Safe ~ Beneficial

16 Exchange Foods Gluten, Dairy and Soy Coffee and Alcohol
Vegan Protein Shakes Energy Fizz Sticks Gluten Difficult to digest. Causes inflammation (bloating or “pot belly”). Decreases immune system, causes loss of energy, clogged sinuses & slow weight gain. Soy Highly processed crop. Acidic and difficult to digest. Can mimic the effects of female hormones. Arbonne Protein Shakes - Vanilla & Chocolate - 20 grams of Vegan protein (cranberry, rice and pea protein) Over 20 essential vitamins and minerals Energy Fizz Sticks - Replacement for coffee, soda, energy drinks, black tea, sweet drinks, etc. - Pomegranate or Citrus flavors - Less than 13 calories - Alkaline forming - The energy comes from B vitamins, guarana and green tea.

17 1 cup Strawberries = 4 grams ½ cup Blueberries = 2 grams
Supplement Foods Fiber is a sponge for toxins Helps you feel full longer Helps balance blood sugar Did you get enough FIBER today? 1 Pear with skin = 4 grams ½ cup Lentils = 4 grams 1 cup Strawberries = 4 grams 1 Apple with skin = 3 grams ¾ cup Oatmeal = 3 grams ½ cup Blueberries = 2 grams ½ cup Broccoli = 2 grams ½ cup Spinach = 2 grams žThe average person needs grams of fiber a day - Most people get 4! žOdorless, tasteless, texture-less, and completely soluble (means it dissolves in water making it easier to digest) žHelps pull sugar and toxins through your body faster and balances your blood sugar. This is why its important for diabetics to have a high fibrous diet. Flavorless blend can be added to any food or drink – hot or cold for 12 grams of fiber!* *Nearly ½ of RDA

18 80% of disease generates from your gut
Cleansing Supplements DETOX TEA - Balances blood sugar - Regulates cholesterol - Promotes weight loss Drink it hot or cold Detoxing your liver – which has over 500 functions and is your #1 detoxifier DIGESTION PLUS Prebiotics & Probiotics 11 Digestion Enzymes Daily Supplement - Promotes gut health 80% of disease generates from your gut 7-DAY BODY CLEANSE Helps cleanse, detoxify and support the liver, kidneys and GI tract Gently eliminates compact stool from the lining of your colon. FACT: the average person can hold anywhere between 8-25 lbs. of compacted stool in their colon. Detox Tea Supports the production of Glutathione, which is called the mother of all antioxidants. žHas 9 botanicals, including Milk Thistle, that support your liver, kidneys and GI tract. Digestion Plus Promotes digestion and increases nutrient uptake ž80% of your immune system is in your gut žSupports intestinal wall damaged by diet, antibiotics, medications and stress 7-Day Body Cleanse Gentle elimination of heavy metals, and environmental toxins žStart using on week 3 of the detox program

19 A Simple Plan Eat the Proper
Replace 2 meals a day with a healthy shake! 8 am: Shake – Add fruit Snack: Low glycemic snack and/or Fizz Stick, Detox Tea, Fit Chew Noon: Shake – Add fruit and veggies 6 pm: Lean and Green Meal (see meal plan) Eat the Proper Proportions Wake-Up: Digestion Plus on an empty stomach – then wait minutes Breakfast Protein Shake with fiber – 30 minutes after waking. Cup of Detox Tea and/or Fizz Stick (if you need caffeine first thing, drink it after your Digestion Plus). Snack – Optional: approved snacks: fit chews, handful of nuts, green apple or brown rice cake with almond butter, berries, veggies and hummus, or a hard-boiled egg, fizz stick. Lunch: (4 hours after breakfast) Protein Shake or clean meal (fist size of lean protein, non-starchy veggies, approved complex carbohydrate (brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potato), a small amount of healthy fat) Snack – Optional: (see above) Dinner: Protein Shake or clean meal (see above) After Dinner: If you are hungry, have detox tea, water, or a fit chew. Leave a 12 hour window of fasting between dinner and breakfast.

20 Real People, Real Results
Gena Rebecca 58 Pounds! 65 Pounds!

21 Lowered BP & Cholesterol!
Real People, Real Results Mark Victor 100 Pounds! 30 Pounds, Lowered BP & Cholesterol!

22 Real People, Real Results

23 All Purchases Subject to a 45-Day Money Back Guarantee!
You Decide Redirect money you are already spending Use pure, safe and beneficial products Preferred Clients receive a 20%+ discount on all Arbonne products Hosts receive special rewards and discounts Become an Arbonne Independent Consultant and get a 35%+ discount on all Arbonne products Start growing your business Unlimited Income Potential Committed leadership Mercedes cash bonus All Purchases Subject to a 45-Day Money Back Guarantee!

24 Turn An Expense Into An Income
We teach people how to re-direct the money they are already spending on personal care products to our pure, safe and beneficial products. It’s really that simple! Hand Soap Face Wash Shampoo Lotion Sunscreen Makeup Vitamins Weight-Loss As you have heard, our products are amazing. But I believe our business opportunity is most amazing product we offer because it can totally change your life! Our business model is so simple. We simply teach people how to change their brands of personal care products (like soap, shampoo, deodorant, shave gel and other things you and your family are probably using everyday) to Arbonne. Then we teach them how to share the same simple message with people they know. And for that, Arbonne says you. Research shows that most families spend at least $150 per month on personal care products. When you spend that same money on Arbonne products, you will get pure, safe and effective products. However, our products have another great benefit --- they pay you!

25 Compensation Plan Seven Avenues of Income: Retail Profit (35% - 80%)
Bonuses Overrides Mercedes-Benz bonus program Life insurance benefits Travel opportunities Monthly campaigns & incentive programs Level Average Monthly Income Average Time to Position District Manager $240 - $1,500+ 1 – 5 Months Area Manager Will Your Business $1,200 - $3,000+ 5 – 11 Months Regional Vice President $100,000 Life Insurance at ERVP $5,000 - $8,000+ 1 – 3 Years National Vice President $21,500+ 3 – 5 Years Go over Compensation Plan Whether you’re looking for $200/month or to replace a corporate income or to turn your yearly income into your monthly income, Arbonne has something for everyone… AND perks like a Mercedes Benz program, incredible tax write-offs, travel, and fun jewelry from companies like Tiffany’s.

26 3 Ways To Win With Arbonne
Where Do You See Yourself? Business Products Based on what you've heard today, I'd like to know if you see yourself as a 1, 2, or 3. 1 - if you are interested in using these healthier products; 2 - if you are interested in using these healthier products and you want to learn more about the business; or 3 - if you are like me and say if I can use these healthier products and get paid to do it, count me in as an Arbonne business owner!  1 2 3 I’m interested in the products I’m interested in the products and want more information about the business I’m in! How do I begin building an Arbonne business? Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

27 Arbonne Special Value Pack
Protein Shake Mix (Chocolate & Vanilla) Energy Fizz Sticks (Citrus & Pomegranate) Herbal Detox Tea (2) Daily Fiber Boost Digestion Plus 7-Day Body Cleanse 30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond Guide Membership with 20% - 40% for a Year $60 Arbonne Cash $50 FREE Gift ________________________ Value $532- Special Price: $241.20* *Plus Shipping and Tax As a new preferred client, you will receive our most popular nutrition package [list out the items they will receive] at a 40% discount.  This package regularly retails for $532; however you will receive the special price of $   In addition, Arbonne will waive your $20 preferred client fee, you receive 20% off all your product purchases for one full year; AND you receive one product up to $50 retail value ABSOLUTELY FREE!! The person who invited you to this presentation will be following up with you shortly to learn where you are on this 1 – 3 scale. We are ready to help you order your products so that they will be shipped to you in time for our next Detox Group! Thank you so much for your time!

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