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Bell Work Describe a neurotransmitter.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Describe a neurotransmitter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Describe a neurotransmitter.
True or False: A neuron is a cell. What is the myelin?

2 Neuron Review

3 CNS vs. PNS

4 You Need: Brain Diagram The Brain

5 The Hindbrain Lower portion Medulla – Vital functions
Pons – located in front of medulla, regulates body movement, sleep, alertness/attention Cerebellum – Rests under cerebrum, involved in balance and coordination

6 Hindbrain Image Brain Stem

7 The Midbrain Located in the middle Vision and hearing
Reticular Activating System – Begins in hind, travels to fore, important for attention, sleep, and arousal. Some drugs alter the activity Loud noises waking/alerting

8 Not Labelled

9 The Forebrain Thalamus Hypothalamus Sensory center, transmits messages
Hypo = below Regulates body temp, stores nutrients, influences motivation and emotion. Hunger/thirst Caring for offspring Aggression

10 Forebrain Cont’d Limbic System Amygdala Hippocampus
Emotion and Aggression Hippocampus Memory Dory from Nemo – damaged LS

11 Label the Amyg. And Hippo Together

12 Forebrain

13 Cerebral Cortex Cerebrum The part that “thinks”
Biggest cerebrum is in humans Biggest part of brain Cerebral Cortex Surface that is wrinkly The part that “thinks” Deals with memory, language, perception, complex motor functions.

14 What makes humans special?
Largest cerebrum (based on body size). 2 hemispheres Like a walnut Corpus Callosum connects hemispheres Opposite from where message is sent Right = left, Left = Right


16 Four Lobes of Cerebral Hemisphere
What does hemisphere mean? Occipital Lobe Sight Parietal Perception of “Touch” senses. Temporal Hearing and memory Frontal Reasoning, planning, logic

17 4 Lobes On Rights


19 Wrap Up Why do you think each part of the brain is involved in something different?

20 Right Brain vs. Left Brain

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