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The EFGS 2012 Prague Initiative

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1 The EFGS 2012 Prague Initiative
At the Joint NSI NMA 2013 GISCO Workshop Lars H. Backer (editor) 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

2 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Part 1: The Initiative 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

3 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
3 Documents Initiative “The EFGS 2012 Prague Initiative” Link to the Initiative Mandate “A Taskforce for the integration of geography and statistics: Notes towards a mandate” Link to the Mandate Summary “A Taskforce for the integration of geography and statistics: A Summary “ Link to the Summary 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

4 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Produced by A provisional steering committee for the EFGS Ana M. Santos (Portugal) Amelia Wardzinska-Sharif (Poland) Ignacio Duque (Spain) Igor Kuzma (Slovenia) Ingrid Kaminger (Austria) Jaroslav Kraus (Czech republic) Marja Tammilehto-Luode (Finland) Niek van Leeuwen (The Netherlands) Vilni Holst Bloch (Norway) Lars H. Backer (EFGS, (editor)) 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

5 A Taskforce (for the integration of geography and statistics)
Geography = Cartography + Statistics Here regarded as a descriptive science (or profession) Descriptions (nowadays object based models) of the world The integration of cartographic and statistical information Cartography Maps (here as produced by NMA’s) Indicates the spatial structure of physical systems (of objects) as nodes and networks. Statistics Statistics (here as produced by NSI’s) Attributes to systems (real and virtual) objects Indexes to indicate the states of system processes (over time) Captured through censuses (readings of sensors), 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

6 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
1. Real User Needs The taskforce should keep in mind that the overriding purpose for the current action is to provide all levels of public authority with an integrated system of qualified “geographies” to serve as the empirical foundation for all direct and indirect actions to monitor-, manage – and develop -the man environmental systems for which they are responsible. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

7 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Container ships are cargo ships that carry all of their load in truck-size intermodal containers, in a technique calledcontainerization. They are a common means of commercial intermodal freight transport and now carry most sea-going non-bulk cargo. Container ship capacity is measured in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU). Typical loads are a mix of 20-foot and 40-foot (2-TEU) ISO-standard containers, with the latter predominant. There are two main types of dry cargo: bulk cargo and break bulk cargo. Bulk cargoes, like grain or coal, are transported unpackaged in the hull of the ship, generally in large volume.[3] Break-bulk cargoes, on the other hand, are transported in packages, and are generally manufactured goods.[4]  Today, approximately 90% of non-bulk cargo worldwide is transported by container, and modern container ships can carry up to 16,020 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) (CMA CGM Marco Polo). As a class, container ships now rival crude oil tankers and bulk carriers as the largest commercial vessels on the ocean. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

8 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

9 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Fire detector GPS, AIS (Automatic Identification System) and Speed log WHF Rudder angle indicator Electronic Charts Display (ECDIS) Clinometer (vertical angle), Anemometer (Wind sensor) Radars (10 cm & 3 cm wavelength) 3cm for SART Engine controls Swich panels Smoke Alarm Magnetic compass Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) Gyro compass Steering stand 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

10 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Sensors and Maps Question of structures and processes Real structures & real processes Real systems (processing matter and energy) Virtual structures & virtual processes Virtual systems (processing information) Processes Sensor data + simulation models to describe the dynamic properties of real systems Sensor data + simulation models to describe the dynamic properties of virtual systems Structures Diagrams for describing virtual systems Map and cad data for describing real systems only 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

11 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
It has been argued that cities should be developed into machines for the efficient production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. This picture is taken from the Peak. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

12 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Government To control man environmental systems Exploit opportunities Counter threats Through direct actions (concrete projects) Examples Build (or supervise) large- scale physical infrastructures Protect natural resources for sustainable use Through In- direct actions (legislation) Laws to control financial institutions Laws to secure the rights and responsibilities of individual citizens 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

13 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

14 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Reason & knowledge The foundation for all action (direct & indirect) : Rational arguments All Projects to be negotiated with rational arguments Based on qualified information (facts) Founded on qualified (empirical- ) descriptions of man environmental systems they are required to control. (both “real” and “virtual”) 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

15 Integrated information systems
Data for integrated Information systems National (NGIM) NGIM projects for the national scale (based e.g. on Inspire annex data) Europe (EGIM) GISCO project on the EU scale EGIM Global (GGIM) GGIM on the Global scale 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

16 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
2. The GISCO project The taskforce should stress the importance of a true integration of NMA cartographic information and NSI statistics contribute to a renewal of the GISCO project and exploit its potential to serve as a prototype for GGIM. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

17 Joint NSI NMA 2013 GISCO Workshop
MES Systems MES = Human Systems + Environmental systems Control of systems that process information (Human systems) Socio- cultural systems (virtual objects in space and time) Processes (Functional (diagrams) Structures (Formal structures (nodes & networks)) / diagrams Socio- economic systems (virtual objects in space and time) Control of systems that process matter & energy (Environmental systems) Natural systems (real objects in space and time) Structures (Formal structures (nodes & networks)) /maps Artificial systems (real objects in space and time) 14-15 March 2012 Joint NSI NMA 2013 GISCO Workshop

18 Infratructure of spatial and temporal data
Scope Structured in scope according to the traditions of science (holistic model based on science). Scale Structured in scale according to professional traditions of the design, management and development of complex systems (like urban and regional or planning) Time Structured in time to reflect the needs for accustomed cycles used for the management of MES (Days, months, years....) as well as dynamic modelling (simulation) efforts 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

19 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
3. The GEOSTAT project The taskforce should against this background concentrate on the harmonisation of the NSI datasets and their production processes, by creating a shared point- based foundation for the ESS to be implemented at the next 2020 round of European censuses. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

20 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Part 2: Project prosals 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

21 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Production process Making use of sensor (census) information Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

22 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 1. Data Modelling To design and implement a joint INSPIRE GEOSTAT data model that works for both cartographic information and spatial statistics. A joint INSPIRE GEOSTAT data model project. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

23 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 2. Data Capture To address “The challenge to statistics” the Geostat project has taken as its objective to “Create a point- based foundation for the ESS by the end of this decade”. The Geostat 1 (EU 2010 round of censuses) Geostat 1A ( ) Challenge & Vision (pilot taskforces) Geostat 1B ( ) Processes for geo- reference (selected pilot countries) Geostat 1C ( ) Implementation (pilot dataset) The Geostat 2 (EU 2020 round of censuses) Geostat 2A ( ) Challenge & Vision (national taskforces) Geostat 2B ( )Processes for geo- reference (all countries) Geostat 2C( ) Implementation 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

24 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 3. A spatial Database system for statistics (Microdata) A true point- based system of statistics will have direct- or indirect- methods to geo- reference its statistics to point locations. Geostat geo- reference strategy (manuals and production cases) To establish a pan- European scheme based on NMA NSI cooperation to use cadastre information, building- or address registers for direct or indirect point geo- referencing. Direct geo- referencing (bottom up approaches) Indirect geo- referencing (top down approaches) Hybrid or mixed geo- referencing (both bottom- up and top- down approaches) 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

25 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 4. Spatial analysis One of the real strengths of point- based systems for modelling with statistics is that it may be used for spatial analysis on all levels of resolution from local to global. Geostat “use cases” (patterns as result of spatial analysis) Commuting Migration Business and industrial clusters Geostat delineation projects Delineation of urban areas and localities Labour market regions System of comparable small administrative eras 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

26 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 5. Compilation of standard datasets Compilation of National, European or Global Geostat dataset(s) for dissemination. Geostat population data (Variables) Day- time population. Night- time population Integrated datasets for analysis Geostat EU grid dataset from the integration of NSI datasets National grid datasets EU grid dataset Global grid dataset 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

27 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 6. Dissemination issues Geostat Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in response to lessons learnt from INSPIRE. Statistical discovery, view & download services Metadata suitable for statistical information NSI Dissemination procedures for statistics Business model Confidentiality rules Copyrights, (conditions for use) A spatial data infrastructure for Statistics Search and explore services for spatial statistics Metadata for spatial statistics Web statistical services for statistics Downloading procedures for statistics 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

28 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 7. Data integration in response to real user needs Government institutions should focus on the information needs on all levels of public authority from local to global. Geostatistics must find a natural place among other information systems built for modelling man environmental systems. The GISCO project in response to the needs of the EU Commission An awareness rising project to discuss the relationship between the UN GGIM process and Geostatistics focused around the a renewed project to develop the GISCO dataset. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

29 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 8. Overall quality assessment A quality assessment of both the whole production process as outlined in the nine points in this section and that of single datasets as the output of these. Geostat quality assessment according to benchmarking methods A quality assessment of the datasets A quality assessment of the production process The EFGS series of conference to encourage a discourse concerning the further development of spatial (and temporal) datasets, their production and benefit for user communities. 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

30 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 9. Pilot projects to explore new ground (Time?) This outline puts an emphasis on efforts to increase the quality and usefulness of mainstream NIS production processes and products. This however leaves the leading countries (“the upper ten”) without a true challenge. The time dimension for the statistical system (Dynamics) Mobile statistics to describe dynamic phenomena in greater detail 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

31 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Process and Product Data Modelling Data Capture A spatial Database system for statistics Spatial analysis Compilation of standard datasets Confidentiality and Dissemination issues Data integration in response to real user needs Overall quality assessment Pilot projects to explore new ground Dataset 10. Point- based system of Objects in Space and Time Grid Datasets Geo (Semantic) information Coding system Geo (Iconic) information (Map features) Grid ERTS LAEA Geo (Indexical) information (GeStatistics) Attributes (Variables) Geo (dynamic) information Metadata 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

32 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Thank you Lars H. Backer (EFGS) 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

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