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Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) 2018 Award Orientation

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1 Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) 2018 Award Orientation
Welcome everyone. Please place your phone on mute unless you have a question. I will call out each sub-grantee agency. Deanna Harrington September 2018

2 Who are our 2018 SASP Subgrantees?
County What is your SASP-funded project? (Basic Services or Improving Access) Go through alphabetical list of grantees, have them say here and then county and SASP funded project (Basic Services or Improving Access)

3 History of SASP Created by Violence Against Women & DOJ Reauthorization Act of 2005 First federal funding stream solely dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual assault GCC & NCCASA have been collaborating to administer SASP funds in NC since 2010

4 2018 SASP: GCC’s Role Collaborates with NCCASA to submit non- competitive grant application Serves as funder to NCCASA and SASP Administrator Assists NCCASA with submission of programmatic reports Provides reimbursement to NCCASA

5 2018 SASP: NCCASA’s Role Writing solicitation
Participating in applicant workshops Reviewing and scoring applications via MDRT Compiling and providing feedback to unfunded programs Preparing Modification Conditions Letters Verifying MCLs Programmatic technical assistance Progress reporting support and summarization

6 2018 SASP: NCCASA’s Role Continued
Financial monitoring Processing reimbursement requests Hold quarterly calls with sub-grantees Hold bi-monthly webinars for sub-grantees Complete at least one in-person monitoring site visit

7 Allowable Costs Costs related to providing intervention services to sexual assault survivors and secondary survivors Includes client outreach (“any activity for which the goal is to identify victims to whom you would like to provide services”), but not public awareness, prevention, or community education Costs included in your specific SASP-funded project Costs included in the budget you submitted for this project

8 Unallowable costs Costs incurred outside of the project period
Laundry charges Contracted services over $81.25/hour without prior approval DV or other services that are not specifically for sexual assault Honorariums Public awareness, prevention, & community education activities Stipends Bonuses or commissions Cell phone costs in the name of individuals Premium pay Travel & lodging in excess of state per diem Fundraising Out-of-state travel without prior approval Lobbying activities Bar charges/alcoholic beverages Membership fees to organizations whose primary activity is lobbying State and local sales taxes Tips Fines and penalties Food and beverage (except per diem) Indirect costs Trinkets, give-away items, promotional items (t-shirts, mugs, logo-typed pens, etc.) Audits Construction Land acquisition or mortgage Incentives Corporate formation Gift cards Common Area Maintenance Fees Entertainment Military-type equipment Sporting events Visa fees/passport charges Audit costs for audits not required or performed in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 are unallowable. Must qualify for OMB Audit (Audit Threshold – expend $500,000 or more in federal funds in organizational fiscal year).

9 Reimbursement Requests
Reimbursement requests include the monthly Cost Report Worksheet, the Cover Sheet for each category and the supporting documentation Reimbursement requests must be submitted to NCCASA monthly by the 8th of each month Reimbursement requests along with supporting documentation can be submitted electronically to Timely reimbursements are contingent upon timely receipt of reports If there are no charges, please submit a request with a “0” and include an explanation Reference Page 3 Monthly Reimbursement section of Subgrantee handbook paragraph 1 and section A. Category cover sheets and cost report booklets were sent via before call. If you did not receive this information please me at

10 Reimbursement Requests
If a SASP expense is a part of a larger expense (ie: $100 of the $1,500 rent), it must be equal to or less than the prorated amount of staff supported by the grant If the amount is not equal, a written explanation of how that portion was calculated needs to be included with the first reimbursement request If an expense is paid quarterly (ie: FICA), the sub-grantee will submit that expense after it is paid Reimbursements over the budgeted amount cannot be made. If your expense exceeds the amount remaining, please request reimbursements only for the amount left for that line item. Grants cannot show a negative balance. Page 3 of subgrantee handbook Monthly reimbursement, section C

11 Printed Materials All printed materials should be submitted for approval to NCCASA prior to being printed Printed materials can be submitted via to All printed materials must include the award disclaimer (grant # will be sent to sub-grantees once NCCASA receives from GCC) When requesting reimbursement for the printed materials, a copy of the final production must be attached to the reimbursement request Printed materials paid for under the SASP grant should contain at least 80% information related to sexual assault victim services your agency offers See page 3 letter D for language on disclaimer

12 Time sheets Time sheets must be submitted for all personnel supported by SASP funds A copy of the check stubs or payroll statements must be included Personnel who work directly on SASP hours must be tracked to the project Time sheets should include personal activity to support the charges. The activity must be clearly identifiable to the grant Page 3 letter E, example of timesheet will be posted on SASP section on the website

13 Personnel Costs If salary for an employee is paid by more than one grant (ie: SASP pays for 20 hours a week and VOCA pays for 20 hours a week, the agency’s accounting system must be able to account for award funds separately (no commingling of funds) For FICA, Worker’s Compensation and State Unemployment reimbursement, attach proof of payment whether it is paid monthly or quarterly Page 3 letters F & G

14 Budget Revisions Budget revisions are allowed as long as the Sub-Grantee does not add line items, does not exceed their current grant award and provides an adequate explanation of the impact of the changes on service delivery NO FUNDS are to be transferred out of the Personnel Budget line A budget revision should be submitted to NCCASA via at

15 Budget Revisions Continued
Notice of approval or denial of budget will be made to the sub-grantee with in 2 weeks of the sub-grantees submission When approved, a new reimbursement request will be prepared according to the revised budget Final proposed budget revisions must be submitted to NCCASA no later than April 30, 2019

16 Travel for Training All travel for in and out of state training must be pre-approved by NCCASA Submit the Travel Training Request Form two weeks prior to the training Sent out via prior to the call

17 Progress Reports VAWA progress reports due January 30 and October 30
NCCASA will provide training and technical assistance prior to these deadlines to support simplified, accurate reporting and to avoid red flags from funders. NCCASA will hold a webinar before each report is due

18 Collecting Data As the grant monitor, NCCASA will be reviewing all reports carefully and looking for the progress report data to match the project and budget In preparation of this, NCCASA asks that you carefully read the Programmatic Reporting section in the Sub-Grantee Handbook Second bullet: tell them that I have high lighted particular sections that I thought were most helpful from a former program director perspective

19 Grant Award Packet Every SASP-funded program should have received a Grant Award Packet The Grant Award Packet contains: *Special Conditions Letter *Grant Award Letter *Grant Award *Grant Handbook *Report List *Contract Documents Checklist when packet is complete Your board chair and Executive director should sign your grant award and special conditions letter. This document along with any supporting documentation requested should be sent in electronically. If you have questions about the attachments your agency needs to submit please contact me via after the webinar.

20 Programmatic Technical Assistance
Quarterly programmatic monitoring and technical assistance/support calls Bi-monthly SASP funded project themed webinars Collaboratively develop training/TA plan with Member Services Program Director to achieve SASP goals At least one site visit during funding cycle (see On- Site Monitoring Tool here) Ongoing responsive technical assistance/support Development of training/TA plan for the project will occur with in the first 2 months of the project

21 Important Dates Expense Reimbursement Request w/ Cover Sheets due the 8th of each month Notice of Grant Implementation: 1/30/19 Grant Progress Reports: 1/31/19 & 10/30/19 Grant Adjustment Request: 4/30/19 Property Control Record: 7/1/19 Expenditure Forecast Report: upon request See page 10 of sub-grantee handbook

22 NCCASA website NCCASA will be updating their website to include a SASP section This section will contain the Category Cover Sheets for reimbursement request, the Travel Training Request form, Budget Revision Request, the SASP Sub-Grantee Handbook and the On-Site Monitoring Tool Link will be sent to sub-grantees Will be live by 10/1/2018

23 Good Standing To be eligible for funding through out the grant cycle the sub-grantee must be in “Good Standing” “Good Standing” requires: * payment of NCCASA membership dues and participation/attendance of membership meetings, conferences and trainings *be in compliance w/ GCC and CFW

24 Looking Forward: 2019 SASP Solicitation timeline and deadline will be the same as last year (March of 2019) Note that timely completion of cost reimbursements and progress reports will be recorded and used during consideration for funding Watch for upcoming announcement about SASP Grant Writing conference calls


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