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Quick Quiz Thomas Hobbes, Egoism.

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1 Quick Quiz Thomas Hobbes, Egoism

2 Quick Quiz 1 Ethical Egoism is the thesis that:
Only those with a strong ego can be moral. Actions are right as they improve the ego; wrong as they diminish it. One ought always to act from selfish motives. One ought always to act for one’s own benefit. No one should ever listen to their ego.

3 Quick Quiz 2 The psychological egoist can brush aside the examples of Mother Teresa and Pam Anderson because: Their actions are purely selfless and altruistic. Their actions are silly and embarrassing to all. Their actions are selfish because they’re motivated by fear or guilt. Their actions are selfish because they benefit things they care deeply about.

4 Quick Quiz 3 A psychological egoist has trouble explaining why:
Folks don’t just admit they care only about themselves. People feel guilty for not helping others. Everyone doesn’t just steal and kill all the time. So many people are genuine altruists.

5 Quick Quiz 4 A main perk of Ethical Egoism is:
It gives you good reasons to act morally. It removes all guilt from morality. It creates godlike humans free of subservience to others. It removes the awful constraints of having to be nice to others.

6 Quick Quiz 5 Thomas Hobbes wrote about the necessary structure of:
Morality. Society. Industry. Exploration. Religion.

7 Quick Quiz 6 Hobbes thinks that we humans are reducible to:
Our moral and spiritual identities. Our fear of death and hope of eternal life. Our passions as they conflict with reason. Our brains and their deterministic operations. Our private thoughts and their meaning for us.

8 Quick Quiz 7 Hobbes thinks the Right of Nature allows us to:
Kill whenever we feel we have good reason. Kill whenever the government permits it. Kill whenever necessary to save our family. Kill whenever necessary to save our life. Kill whenever necessary to defend the commonwealth.

9 Quick Quiz 8 We should follow the Laws of Nature, according to Hobbes, so that we: Are good people. Are moral people. Avoid the condition of war. Avoid the state of nature. Avoid prosecution for crimes.

10 Quick Quiz 9 Why does the state of nature mean there is no justice or injustice? Because those things are unnatural. Because those things are legal concepts. Because ‘All’s fair in love and war’. Because there is no language in nature. It doesn’t mean that; justice and injustice exist in the state of nature.

11 Quick Quiz 10 Hobbes thinks some parts of America illustrate:
Societies that get along without a sovereign. Societies that show how religion can function as a sovereign. Humans in the state of nature where life is nasty, brutish, and short. Humans in the state of nature who overcome brutishness using religion.

12 Quick Quiz Answers D C B A A & D combined only C or D

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