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Lecture 20 Web: Text: To: 37607

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 20 Web: Text: To: 37607"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 20 Web: Text: To: 37607
Type in: <your question>

2 Another ETC! Generating energy

3 C-fixation: The Calvin cycle

4 A reaction of life: RUBISCO

5 A reaction of life: RUBISCO

6 Generating Ribulose 1,5-bis phosphate

7 The balanced Calvin cycle

8 Photosynthesis – the overview

9 Coordinating reactions

10 Coordinating reactions

11 Coordinating reactions

12 Thioredoxin regulates many enzymes

13 The problem with Rubisco…

14 What are lipids

15 Triacylglycerols

16 Fatty acids

17 Unsaturated fatty acids - nomenclature

18 Triacyl glycerols

19 Heading

20 Unsaturated fatty acids – cis VS trans

21 Trans fats

22 Phospholipids

23 Sphingosine & Sphingolipids

24 Glycolipids

25 Lysosomal storage disorders

26 Lysosomal storage disorders

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