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Understanding Mental Health & Wellbeing building more resilience

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1 Understanding Mental Health & Wellbeing building more resilience
Workshop facilitator: Andrew Burton Date: Thursday 6th June 2019 Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm Venue: Hilton Double Tree

2 Welcome! Let’s just pause for a moment…


4 Aims of the workshop Understanding what mental health and wellbeing means Benefits of promoting a more resilient and happier workforce How to spot some of common signs of poor mental health How to take better care of your self & others Where to go for further support and information

5 Introductions Introduce yourself to your neighbour
Share what motivated you to attend this workshop.

6 Current picture in workplace mental health
One in six British workers are affected by mental health problems like anxiety, depression and stress every year 300,000 people with a long-term mental health problem lose their jobs each year Around 15 per cent of people at work have symptoms of an existing mental health condition The cost of poor mental health to the economy is between £74billion and £99billion per year

7 CII recent research One in five brokers has contemplated leaving the industry due to stress Majority of brokers admit to feeling stressed at work (78%), many feel overwhelmed by work pressures. Workloads, regulation and pressure to hit targets are contributing to mental health issues

8 Government Response Thriving at Work
The government’s independent review, Thriving at Work, includes six core and four enhanced standards for how organisations can better support employees’ mental health Thriving at Work suggests that all organisations, whatever their size, will be: equipped with the awareness and tools to both address and prevent mental ill health which is caused or worsened by work equipped to support people with a mental health condition to thrive, from recruitment and throughout the organisation aware of how to get access to timely help to reduce sickness absence caused by mental ill health.

9 Thriving at work standards
Mind in partnership with the Chartered Insurance Institute 2018 have developed guidance on implementing the six core and four enhanced standards.

10 What is Mental Health? Discuss in your group what mental health and wellbeing is and share what it means to you. What are the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and wellbeing?

11 Mental Health What are the different kinds of causes?
What kind of impact does this have? Home Work

12 Definitions Anyone can suffer a period of mental ill health. It can emerge suddenly, as a result of a specific event, or gradually, where it worsens over time. It can range from feeling stressed to conditions such as anxiety and depression and, in limited cases, to severe mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Some conditions can be persistent and may be classed as a disability, while others come and go, giving the individual ‘good days’ and ‘bad days’. While someone may be diagnosed with a mental health condition, with the right support they can still enjoy positive mental health. Acas 2017

13 Impact of poor mental health
On our daily lives Our relationships Business Colleagues Decision making Organisation Personal Finances

14 Taking care of yourself
In your group share some proven strategies that have worked for you How do you deal with stress? How do you relax and unwind? Where do you get your inspiration from? What are your top tips for improved wellbeing? What role does spirituality and faith play? What activities have made a difference?

15 Five ways to wellbeing Connect Be active Take notice Learn Give
Researched and developed by the New Economics Foundation

16 Taking care of others Discuss how best to take care of those around you? What are your top tips for promoting wellbeing at work?

17 Top tips for staying well at work
Reclaim your lunch break Organise a picnic Hold a group activity Take up a challenge Whistle while you work Celebrate things Go for a walk Make it ok to talk about wellness Remember humour is a great way to release stress

18 What are the benefits of promoting wellbeing at work?
In your groups list the key benefits of promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in the workplace?

19 What can employers do? Find out how things are at the moment.
Create a statement of intent or sign an organisational pledge Thriving at Work Standards Make sure senior leaders are on board Create clear mental health policies and procedures. Consider a staff wellbeing strategy to ensure supporting staff wellbeing remains a priority. Set up a mental health and wellbeing working group. Offer training in mental health to all staff. Mental Health first aiders

20 Conclusion What are your next steps?
What changes are you going to make in your life? What improvements can you bring to your working environment?

21 Further information Mind:
The Mental Health Foundation: Implementing the thriving at work standards CII & Mind: NHS: Thriving at Work Review:

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