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Write these important dates down in your agenda:

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1 Write these important dates down in your agenda:
Homeroom /10/2015 Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! Wednesday (11/11/15) – Collegiate Shirt/Jeans Day - $1 Return your progress reports! Friday (11/13/15) – “The Landlady” Test Hat Day (w/ uniform) $1 HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 11/10/15
SIT IN YOUR PEACH GROUPS. Literary Elements Notes (Continued) Be prepared to resume taking notes from yesterday in your I.A.N. NO FOLDERS NEEDED TODAY. Your homework “packet” is due THURSDAY.

3 Language Arts – Work Session 11/10/15
Essential Question: How can the plot of a story help me understand the theme of a story? Standard: ELAGSE6RL3 – Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes, as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

4 Language Arts – Work Session 11/10/15
Flocabulary “Plot Elements” Fill in the blanks as you view the video.

5 Language Arts – Work Session 11/10/15
“To Map a Story” Read the story. Then, complete the parts of the plot on the opposite side.

6 Language Arts – Closing Session 11/10/15
Plot Diagram Mini Quiz 1 Based on what you learned in class today, complete this mini quiz. This is your ticket out of the door. Your homework “packet” is due Thursday. Read for extra credit!

7 E.L.T. 11/10/15 Opening Session Work Session Closing Session
ONLY – “HUNGER GAMES” FOLDER Answer the questions in your packet for Chapter 1. Work Session Finish “Hunger Games” Chapter 2. Closing Session Define at least three of the vocabulary terms on your vocabulary page. You may use a dictionary, if needed.

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