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session understanding disaster cycle and risk resilience

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1 session understanding disaster cycle and risk resilience

2 How can NPSO’s assist businesses to help them reduce their own risks?
How can NPSO’s leverage businesses to act as agents of change and work with governments and partners to reduce collective risks? Begin with an explanation on the similarities between humanitarian and business response before, during and after disasters.

3 2) Understanding Business Risk

4 Types of Business Vulnerability
Physical – business infrastructure are affected Environment – inputs (water, soil, air) for production are affected Social – employees are affected and ultimately productivity Economic – cost as a result of vulnerability is higher

5 3) Managing Risks Impacts on businesses Business as Change Agents
Businesses reducing risks to their own operations and ensuring they are prepared for a disaster Businesses supporting governments and partners to reduce community risks and ensure communities are better prepared Begin with an explanation on the similarities between humanitarian and business response before, during and after disasters.

6 Eg. Managing Risks Opportunity to improve Impact on businesses themselves Opportunity to collectively act as change agents for the business community Planting of resilient seedling varieties Importation of resilient seedlings varieties for distribution and use across country by governments and partners Ensuring business infrastructure is resilient using appropriate materials and design codes Provision of engineering services and training on resilient infrastructure Begin with an explanation on the similarities between humanitarian and business response before, during and after disasters.

7 For example Fiji Business Disaster Resilience Council People
Strong leadership and influencer as an agent of change and emphasis on developing human capacity of the council Mechanism Formed under the Fiji Commerce & Employers Federation. Mandated for facilitating and coordinating business Processes Develop tools such as the BCP toolkit developed by Pacific Community.

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